94 A Night Of Freedom

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Sorry for the missing chapters lately! Exams came up unexpectedly and freakin' killed my grades, but it's all over now. I'm not dead (yet) and it's about time I wrote one of this chapters, so... Here you go! As an award for being so patient with me, I wrote an extra long one, just for you guys! Enjoy!! :D


Ellie's POV

I'll be honest, this is kind of pathetic.

Me and Mirei make up a plan full of holes within 10 minutes, prep for it before the afternoon is over, then put into action that very night. Like, how were we not caught? Is Mr. Nishi brain dead??

But I guess it doesn't matter anyways. All the easier for us.

Mirei found a screwdriver and tinkered with a few of the security cameras, while I went and stuck a coin in the hinge of every door on the main floor. This is probably the most productive day I've ever had in this stupid place.

Before long, we're finished and are getting ready for bed with the rest of the orphans. Time to see if this'll work or not.

I flop onto my bed, tired, and ready to sleep forever. Of course, I can't sleep that long, but at least this is a chance to get some shut eye before being free for the night.

Double checking nobody notices, I set an alarm on my ipod for midnight and stuff it under my pillow, making sure the volume is so low only I can hear it. I then snuggle up and try to get as much sleep as I can.

The twins are babbling away at each other, making it hard to drift off, but I can't say anything about it. I've been careful to not say anything since the fight that destroyed my translators, not wanting anyone else to know about all that.

I think Sakura is suspicious something wrong, but I can't tell. She tried talking to me about it earlier today - probably asking what was wrong - but, you know...

Sakura says something to get the twins to quiet down. She reads a story out loud, and they snooze off faster than she can finish reading.

I sigh, glad that the room in quiet now. Time to sleep.





The alarm goes off, making my jump a little. It's louder then I thought it would be. Quickly, I shut it off before it wakes up someone else. One of the twins stirs a bit, but snuggles back into the blankets. I think it's ok.

Everyone is asleep, the only sound coming from the occasional muffled car out the closed window.

I sigh. Time to put my plan into action. I open the door and look out into the hall.

It's silent.

Dead silent.

And dark and creepy.

I don't like this.

I have a short debate of grabbing a flashlight before I go - I think one of my roommates own one - but decide against it. A light would make it easier to track me, therefore less of a chance of getting away for the night.

Holding my breath, I take a step out into the open. I don't know what I'm so scared off. Maybe it's that I think the plan will fail. I mean, it was a pretty sloppy plan; thrown together on short notice and not really doubted until now. There's so much that could go wrong!

But now's not the time for this. If I wanted to worry about it all, then I should have done that before we put it into action. Now, it's too late. I have to go through with it, until the very end.

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