18 Get Your Prize And RUN

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Kaito's POV

"Akako is working with the black organisation!" Before I could finish, Sophie was gone. Had she heard me whole message? No. She couldn't have. I cursed Akako under my breath.

Well, at least I could spot Sophie on the TVs, then get to her with the air vents. I looked up at the many monitors. Where is everyone? Well, this will make it easier for me to find her at least. Looking over all of them, one by one, I could not find her. Really, there was only 4 people I could see - Snake, a man with long silver hair, his chubby partner, and the teen aged agent working with Akako.

There was also two screens that wouldn't turn on. With my luck lately, she was there. But where is there? Wait, if memory served right, Sophie had said the place was near the entrance. Take a... left, then... it's the... second... on the right? That sounds correct. Maybe. Worth a shot!

Using a chair, I reached up and unscrewed the vent so I could climb through. Taking one last look at places to avoid, I wiggled in. Hopefully, this would bring me to Sophie. And fast.


Sophie's POV

There was six guards knocked out at my feet. What had Akako done to them? She said she would only put them to sleep!! Worry about that later, Sophie.

Looking up at the massive doors, I read out the numbers for Akako. Few minutes later, The code was cracked and doors quietly slid open. Now for the lasers.

Akako cast a spell so I could see them. I gulped. That is a lot of lasers. Looking for a easy way through, I thought of something.



"Why couldn't you just teleport me right the prize? Wouldn't that be easier?"

"And if I teleport you into a laser?"

"Never mind."

"Then get on with it."

"When did you get so salty?"

"Start. Moving. Now." She growled.

"ok, ok, I'm going, I'm going!"

Finally finding a big enough opening, I slipped into the lasers. Why did I ever agree to this? To be honest, I would LOVE IT if KID shrunk in the Anime! That would be awesome! I smiled to myself.

"Sophie, stop fan girling and focus. That wouldn't be awesome. Now move it!" Shut up, I can have my own opinions too you know! Ugh. So bossy. Suddenly, I felt a HUGE pain in my head. "DO YOU WANT ME TO POSSESS YOU?!?!"

"NO! PLEASE DON'T!" I nearly sprinted through the lasers to the end. "Happy?" I muttered, gasping my breath. I can't believe I just did that. And succeeded!

"Yes." I sighed with relief. The pain went away. "Now, take the formula off it's stand. It's safe to lift the lid, I've cast a spell on it." I gulped.

Slipping the paper from under it's glass container, I carefully folded it up and put it in my shirt pocket.

"Can you at least teleport me out?"


The flash of light came, and I was just outside the door. Wait a second... One, two, three, four, five...

"Akako, what happened to that other guard?"

"What do you mean?"

"One of the guards is missing!"


As if on cue, an alarm set off as the missing guard ran around the corner, and pointed at me. "THERE SHE IS, BOSS!!"


I pushed pass him, and ran towards the main entrance. "TELEPORT ME!! NOW!!!!!!!!!"

"I CAN'T!!"


"I DON'T KNOW, IT'S JUST Not.. wor..."


oh dang. I can't hear Akako. I have no guidance. No help. I am on my own. I CAN'T TAKE THIS STRESS!!!! I AM GOING TO DIE!!!!

"sOPhie... cOMe iN SOPHie... caN YOu heAR Me...?!"


"WE Will be... disCONnec... tED FOR A WHILE!! HAng in ther...e I am coMING!! LOok for... mY BROOm..." The line went dead.

"No. NO!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, COME BACK AKAKO!!! AKAKO!!!!!!!"

I could see my dead body being thrown down the garbage shoot now. No one would know of my death. forever forgotten. Alone. Dead.

Tears ran down my face. No. Please. Don't let it end like this. Let me live, please!!

I kept running, the sounds of foot steps and yelling behind me. I turned a corner. A gun fired, and chipped the wall near my head. More guns fired. I scanned the area around me, still running. Door, door, door... DOOR!! NO!! LOCKED!!


A bullet hit the door, inches from my chest. Forget this, I'll find another!!




Lost them. Finally. I sat down against the door to catch my breath. But it's not over yet! By now, all exits are sealed off and all those missing people have come inside to hunt me down. I also now have a plan.

Kaito KID.

He's still in the building, right? He has to be! Please, fate, please let him be here! My last hope is to find him! I can't do anything alone in this room! I need help, and I've lost hope in Akako coming. she would have been here by now... Why isn't any of her magic working?! I can't worry about that now...

I looked around the room for something, ANYTHING, that could be useful. Wait... maybe with that I can... I grinned. Finally, lady luck is on my side!

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