90 More Trouble

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Ellie's POV

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Mr. Nishi bursts through the door, screaming at us, making that the second jump scare of the day. The twins are following closely at his heels.

At first I'm confused, but it all clicks soon enough. I had told the twins to get him if I yelled, and then Luna flew down my jacket, and... Ugh, I never think things through long term!

Mr. Nishi is one of your typical "always angry" adults, who shouts at kids just because he can. It's a wonder how he even landed a job like this. Probably his wife's doing, but now's not the best time to get into that.

Right now, I'm more concerned with the mad man before me and Ayano.

It's pretty obvious why I tried to avoid him for so long. And to think I was the one who called for him to come up! Guess I wasn't thinking to clearly at the time.

"It was Ellie's fault!" Ayano randomly shouts, pointing at me. "She was keeping a secret pet bird in our room, and I found it, so the thing went crazy!"

"What?! I didn't do anything, the bird flew in through the window!!" I yell back. Sure, Luna belonged to me, but now's not the best time Mr. Nishi knows about that.

"I don't care what happened, you're BOTH in trouble for screaming like lunatics so loud!" Oh please, you didn't hear anything! If you had, you'd been up here way longer than I have, when Ayano first spotted Luna!

"I will see you both in my office, right after you clean up this mess." He declares, gesturing to the broken flower pots. Funny, I forgot those where there. "Yukino and Yui have already told me everything I need to know. A punishment is being decided now."

"Yes sir." Me and Ayano glumly reply in unison. This is just my luck!

Mr. Nishi stomps back down the stairs.

"I'm sorry he's so mean to you." Yui tells me, after the man in question is out of earshot. "I didn't want you to get in trouble, but you'd said to do it, so - "

"It's ok." I cut her off, crouching a little so we're eye level with each other. "You did good. I told you to go get him, and you obeyed without questions. Really, it's my fault I'm in trouble. I'll just have to put up with the consequences. Now, go find Mirei, I'm probably going to be busy for a while."

Yui smiles. "Ok. Come on, Yukino!"

Yukino salutes me as the twins walk out the door. "Good luck."

I almost laugh. ""Thanks, we're going to need it.

Suddenly, Ayano shoves a broom in my face. "Are you done with pointless mushy goodbyes yet, because you need to sweep this up."

I stare at her. "Seriously? You're the one who broke the flower pots, I wasn't even in the room yet!"

"Yeah, but your stupid bird made me do it, and you need to clean up after your pets."

"Nobody can make you do anything, and you need to be responsible able for your actions. You clean it up!"

Our argument goes back and forth like this for a while, until I gave in and cleaned it up. Whatever, Ayano. You're not worth my time.

Finally we walk in silence to Mr. Nishi's office.

Knock knock knock!

"Come in." Mr. Nishi's gruff voice commands from the other side of the door.

We do as we're told, and sit down in the two chairs across the desk from the orphanage's manager. "Do you both understand why you're in trouble?" He asks, looking down at us in a very intimidating way.

No. "Yes sir."

"Good. So, seeing as you can't get along with each other, I was thinking we make you work together on something."

Oh no. Please no. I exchange a look with Ayano, and can tell she's thinking the same thing. I don't even know why she hates me so much, just that she does and I'm having to put up with it.

Mr. Nishi slides a bucket full of cleaning supplies across the desk. "You will work together on girl's bathroom duty for the next two weeks. You're dismissed."

Ayano takes the bucket, we exit the room, and she shoves it at me once the door is closed. Looks like I'm carrying the heavy thing upstairs.

"For the record, I blame you for this." She sneers.

"The feeling is neutral."

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