41 Deceased

260 17 3

Rory's POV

"Where have you been?!" Gin demanded, banging a fist on the table. "You left your walkie-talkie at home and no one could contact you!!"

"I was going for a midnight walk."

"FOR 2 HOURS?!?!"


He leaned in threatening. "Liar."

"Prove me wrong."

"Why would I? I'm a higher rank, the boss would believe me with or without it."

"Sorry sir, but can I go now? I was up late last night and wish to recover, along with finish up some late assignments. Unless you have a legit reason, I'm leaving." I have no idea where this new courage has come from, but for some reason Gin doesn't seem even a fourth as scary as normal. I just don't care. He could kill me here and now and I would just let it happen.

He stared at me in disbelief of my bravery. Or stupidity, it could be either one. Looks like some of Sophie's traits have washed onto me...

Fed up, Gin pointed at the door behind me. "We'll talk later. Leave. NOW." Don't have to tell me twice!! I exited the building and left for home. I need a looooooooong nap.....




After my nap, I logged into the organisation's online information files from my laptop and clicked on Sophie and Conan's tabs. I set it to 'Edit Info' and added one small lie to each one : Deceased.

It was the least I could do after last night.


Ok, I am so so so sorry for this ridiculously short chapter!! Only 250 words, what is wrong with me?!?!

The reason is, I'm sorry, but I have writers block once more. I have ZERO IDEA where to go from here!! After something as big and tragic as last chapter, I want it to be unicorns and rainbows again. AND VERY VERY SOON OR I'LL GO MAD. But I don't know how to cheer Ellie (and me) up or who would do it etc. I wont be posting until I can think right again, so I'm sorry, but if you want to help give my brain a jump start please post your ideas bellow. Thank you Melons!! I hope to see you soon!!

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