97 It's Not Funny

169 3 1

Ellie's POV

"I don't think I understand." I say, for what I feel like is the millionth time tonight.

Kaito and I have been talking for hours now, and last I checked the clock it was 5:30 or something. I don't even have the time for this, I need to be back at the orphanage before 8 with my translators fixed. I don't think Agasa can fix these things within a mear, what, 2 and a half hours?

Still though, I can't bring myself to leave. I have to know what happened and how Rory's still alive. It's just, so... confusing. Then again, who would have ever thought it was simple in the first place?

Kaito sighs. "You're just over thinking things... it's not as hard to understand as you're making it out to be."

"Well sorry my brain keeps shutting down, it's all too much to comprehend this early in the morning! I didn't get as much sleep as you, ok?!" I snap back, a little more sharper than I meant it to be. The lack of sleep is making me grouchy.

Rory says something, taking another sip of hot chocolate from her mug. She'd gotten some for all of us a few minutes ago, Kaito downing it in one while I'm yet to even touch me. I'm not in the mood for any of this.

"She says to calm down. Maybe if you stop making such a deal about it, everything'll start to make sense?"

"Not a big deal? Not a BIG DEAL?!?! This is a huge deal!! And... and.... I don't see how you both are just... ok? With all this?? How can you just sit there casually like this is all normal?! Like everything is fine?! Because it's not, and I just--"

Kaito cut me off with something in Japanese. Rory tried to hide her snicker from the comment, but failed. This just frustrated me even more.

"Will you both stop doing that?! I don't like not understanding! You're probably laughing at me, aren't you?! Ugh I hate this!!" I folded my arms and sunk into the living room couch a bit more, making the deadliest glare I could muster towards them both.

Of course, they both simply laughed even more at my pouting.

Between the giggles, they conversed amongst themselves, making baby faces and over all poking fun at my obviously failed attempt of being threatening.

"Will you shut up and TAKE ME SERIOUSLY?!" I screamed, throwing the nearest object at Kaito.

Probably should have picked a different weapon though, because they both laughed even harder when the pillow hit him square in the chest.

I'm steaming hot by now, fed up with everything. Their laughter follows me as I stand up and walk to the door way.

I don't have time for this. If they're not going to take me seriously, then I'm leaving. We can talk more once my blasted translators are fixed.

Kaito gets up too, following me up to the entry way. "Wait wait wait, where do you think you're going?" He asks, as I'm about to turn the front door's knob.

"Someplace where people can actually help me." I growl back.

Rory calls something from the living room, which Kaito answers to then turns back to me. "She doesn't want you to leave until you fully understand how much danger you're actually in." He shifts a little awkwardly, trying to find the right words to explain things. Again. "I'm sorry for not being the best translator for you, but this is important. Knowing this might just save your life."

My hand doesn't move from the door. "Will you stop making fun of me?"

He nods. I don't appreciate the smirk on his face as he does it, but what can I do? I really do want to try and understand, if he's willing to tell me.

Sighing, I walk back to the living room, fopping onto the puffy couch again. "Four times the charm, I guess."


And you thought this would be the chapter with all the answers, didn't you? (Well it was going to but then this happened. Oops haha ^-^;; )

Anyways the next chapter will be when everything's revealed, I promise. However, that might be a while. I've been packing too many projects onto my to-do list, many more than I can or ever will be able to handle. Sorry that updates will only be getting slower until I've worked things out.

Thanks for being understanding, and hoped you liked it~

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