80 Failure At Robbery

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Ellie's POV

From lunch to dinner, I mostly stayed in the park. There was no point in leaving, what would I do without being able to communicate anyways? Never the less, it was... fun, I guess. I'm trying not to be depressed, I really am, but... Ugh, whatever.

After letting Luna and Zi Zi go find their meals, plus a sandwich for myself, I locked them safely in the tree house so I can go pick up my translators from Agasa. I was lucky enough to avoid Conan when dropping them off, but I doubt that's gonna happen again. Conan would've dropped in by now and there's no way the professor didn't tell him about me.

Ugh... I still REALLY don't want to face him. But it'll eventually happen sometime, so...

Before heading off, I grab some rope. My new idea is stupid, but at least it'll stall meeting up with Conan a little longer.




I walk around to the back of the house and, careful not to be seen, peek in through the living room window. Just as I suspected. Conan's sitting on the couch, mindlessly flipping through the TV's channels.

I sneak at but more around the side until I spot the window I'm looking for - the one to Agasa's lab. And how convenient, it's open! He must think no one would be able to climb through. It is, after all, quite high up.

But my rope should solve that problem.

I pick up a decent sized stick and tie it to one end, then throw that up and into the window. It takes a few tries, but eventually I got it wedged into the corner of the window, and it stops wiggling too much.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

I grip the rope tightly and pull myself just a few inches off the ground, then wait.


A small nervous laugh escapes me. It actually worked! It's sustaining my weight!!

Exited, I begin shimmying up the rope; or at least try to.

This isn't working like I hoped.

After countless efforts, I'm still outside. Climbing a rope is much harder then I remember!

I sit down for a bit, leaning against the house with the rope dangling next to me. I look up at the now seemingly endless climb. Why did I ever think this would work? I know I'm not physically fit, how could I do something like this?

I kick a peddle. I'm so dumb to think it'd actually work. I knew something was bound to go wrong, and I was right!

"I thought I heard something out here."

I freeze immediately. Please say they're not talking about me...

"Just give up. I know you're there. I've been watching you for quite a while now, actually. What are you doing trying to get into Agasa's lab like this?"

"And why do you care, Haibara?"

"Because I'm pretty sure it's illegal to break into someone's house."

Point taken. "So... how long were you watching me for? And is anyone else with you?"

"Did you really believe that wimpy little stick supported you? Surely you don't think that alone could hold you up. And no, I'm alone up here."

I sigh. "Thank goodness."

"Let me guess... you're still avoiding Edogawa-kun, right?"

"Yeah... is it that obvious?"

I heard her sigh and immediately know she's giving me an annoyed "yes" look, despite not being able to see her.

"By the way, you do know he knows where you live, right?"

I sweat drop at my own stupidity for the millionth time today. Of course he knows that. But... "Then why hasn't he been visiting?"

"Don't know, but it's clear that he want's to talk to you. Maybe he didn't think that himself? You know how smart people like him over look simple answers like that."

"Yeah." I giggle a little, thinking back to some of my favorite episodes.

"So... I guess you're here for these then."

I look up and see her hand outside the window, tightly grasping my translators.

"Right as always, Haibara."

"... you know, I should really tell Edogawa-kun that you're here."

"N-no! Please don't!!" I stutter, taken aback at the sudden change in our small chat.

She pulls her hand back in, but I continue to stare at the window awaiting for the silence to break. Seems like she's considering her options.

"Tell you what - " she finally decides, " - I'll give you your translators now. But I'm still getting Edogawa-kun after you."

"Why?! Can't I just take it and go?" I plead.

She tsks at me, and I clearly see her wagging her finger at me in my mind. "No, it's only fair to inform him of your presence. And so, I'll give you... let's say... a minute head start. That sound good?"

I hesitate. One minute isn't long enough to do much of anything, including running all the way home. Speaking of running, does Conan have his skateboard? I didn't see it by the door, but it could be inside... I hope now, because that's anything but "fair".

"Or I could just get him now." Haibara called out.

"Ugh, fine, just give me my translators already!!" I shouted back.

Her hand reappears out the window, accompanied by her smirking face. "Catch."

"Why are you even doing this, Haibara? It's so out of character for you!"

I see her smirk grow before pulling her head back inside. "Your minute has started."

"I hate you!" I declare, now running across the street.

"I can live with that."


Ugh, I'm so sorry Haibara is so out of character.... I didn't know what to do with this chapter.... Ugh. Welp, I hope you enjoyed. I'm gonna go scream at more TV shows. Or maybe I should actually write some more of this...... nah. See you later, melons :)

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