49 Partners

224 18 9

Ellie's POV

I am alive. I survived the car ride.

Tropical Land looks so different in the daylight, all bright and colorful. I smiled. Maybe I will enjoy today. So long as it's better then the car, I really don't care at this point.

"Ok kids, listen up!" Everyone looked at Agasa. "You can all wander freely, but you need to stay with a partner at all times. We'll meet up here in about..." He checked his watch, "3 hours. That long enough for you?"

"Yes!!" The Detective Boys shouted. They started giggling and talking about freedom and stuff. You'd think they never got to be alone and away from adults. This can only lead to trouble. Every episode one of them tries to do something without help always leads to a disaster. Without Conan, a simple mess. With him, dead bodies everywhere.

I shivered. Everything is leading in the direction for chaos. I don't think I'm going to enjoy this anymore...

"Now then! Everyone pick a partner!"

Please fate, please!! I would love to be with him any other time, but PLEASE don't let us be partners!! I'm yet to actually see a bloody body and I wish to keep it that way!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

I opened my eyes from my short prayer and immediately released it hadn't come true. Ayumi and Genta had already left while Mitsuhiko was blushing as he asked Haibara. Of course. I looked at Conan. He looked at me. I think we both inwardly groaned.

"Uhh... what do you want to ride?"

"Don't care."

"Umm... ok..." I started wandering into a random direction. Conan followed me with an annoyed look. Does he hate me too? Why is it that everyone hates me now? Maybe he doesn't like how I know too much. But he didn't seem to mind when I first met him... It probably did but I was being too stupid to notice. Typical me. Just don't summon another body and we'll both be fine.


Hello dear Melons!! No more fillers, yay!! But they still will be short chapters, because it's easier for me to write in chunks. Sorry :P If you have predictions on how many ways this can go wrong, tell me!! I love to know!! Maybe I'll even edit some things... ; )

The Test Subject : A Detective Conan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now