25 Shrunk

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Sophie's POV

"So, you've decided to finally wake up..." Wha.. what? Who said that?

I tried to respond, but my mouth couldn't udder any words. I was too tired to get up, and my eyes refused to open. My breath was shaking.

Something cold and hard was wrapped around my wrists - I was chained to the wall. When I finally could see again, I saw gray. Just gray. Whoever is talking took my glasses.


PAUSE - I don't know how to fit this into the story, so I'll just explain like this. My (Sophie's) prescription is VERY strong. Unless it's literally a few feet from my face, I just see a blob. Sometimes. Imagine living your life with just colors - there are no boundaries, no division between objects, no clear visible lines to separate everything. Just color mixed together. If something is small enough/far away enough, you can not see it. If something is a similar color to it's background, you can not see it. It all just blends together, making the object camouflaged. Luckily, the room is gray, and so I can see people. Or at least, their skin. If someone was to wear a gray that is close enough to this shade though... I now bring you back to the story. Sorry about this.


"I bet your wondering why you are here..." I know this voice... think, Sophie, think!!

"...Let's just say we have a theory, and are going to test this theory on you." GIN!! THAT'S WHO THIS IS!!!!

I tried to look up at him. A blurry floating skin-colored potato-shaped thing is what I saw. I assume he turned around, because suddenly it disappeared. His hair... curses. "Wha... what are... yo..." It hurt to speak.

"What am I doing? You'll soon see." The sound of a door opening and closing echoed through the room. I could hear a squeaky wheel. Is someone pushing a cart? Gin faced me again, and got so close I could make out his eyes. He is a lot uglier in person.

I tried to push him away, but failed. "No... go... awa..."

Someone forced my mouth open, and Gin slipped a pill into my mouth. APTX 4869. He put a cup to my lips and I drank that too. It looked like water, but tasted like... like... I don't know. Something sweet. What is this? Sugared water?

The person let go of me, then left the room with Gin. I assume they're watching from a distance... Why did I have to take it? Why me? I already know what will happen. And how painful the process is. I moaned as the pain started.

It was slow at first. Almost bearable. Then the actually shrinking part came. My heart beat raced, my head pounding, everything felt as if it was on fire! I tried to free myself from the chains, scratching at my stomach. It hurt so bad!!! This is what Conan puts up with every time a temporary antidote wears off?! HOW DOES HE LIVE?!?!??! I can't hear it, but I know I'm screaming. No, I'm louder then that. No words can describe the pain I am in now.

The chains easily slipped off my wrists, and I fell onto the ground. Gasping, the pain climbed down to a lower scale.

I could hear Gin's foot steps approaching, and a gun reloading. I knew he was going to "leave no evidence" and I didn't care. Anything to stop this! My awareness was slipping.

"Before you go, one question. You seem to know a lot about Shinichi's 'disappearance.' Tell me, is there a -" Suddenly, his words turned into a ton of gibberish. Of all the times for Akako's translation spell to wear off! It doesn't matter. I wouldn't tell him anyways.

I shook my head no. "I... I can't underst..."

More nonsense in Japanese. Guess he doesn't know English. Surprising.

Suddenly, an explosion sounded. My ears started ringing. The muffled sounds of Gin yelling at someone sounded as pink filled the gray room. Someone dressed in white picked me up. They placed something on my face. Glasses. I looked into the face of my hero to see just a gas mask. "It will be ok." Kaito's voice reassured me.

I drifted off to sleep once more, smiling, knowing I was safe now.

The Test Subject : A Detective Conan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now