56 House Of Mirrors To House Of Horrors

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Ellie's POV

Before anyone could react, Conan and Heiji were already at the mirror house's entrance, where the screams had come from. I came next, followed by Kaito, and all the girls behind him.

It was pitch black inside. Conan had already ventured in so deep with Heiji that his watch-flashlight thing couldn't be seen. Ugh, if only I had one!!

"What's going on?!" Ayumi and Genta ran asked, running over. Talk about timing!!

"I don't know, someone died in here I think. Conan and Heiji went to investigate already. Can I borrow one of your watch thingies?"

Genta handed over his. "Sure."


Before I could leave, Ayumi stopped me. "You don't think your going in there alone, do you?! We're coming too, there's safety in numbers."

"Sure, fine, whatever, just hurry up!" Wait a second... "Did you see where Kaito went?"


"Never mind, he can catch up." We walked in, leaving the older girls. I guess it would be smart to bring Ran, but then everyone else would want to come and a too big group would slow us down. Plus Sonoko is a huge pain I don't want to deal with now.



"Come out, guys!! Please!!"

We wandered the dark halls for a long time. Our reflections bounced across the walls, making funky shapes as we passed each mirror.

I keep thinking scary thoughts to myself, such as 'This is the part when Berserk Yuya comes to let his Odd-eyes Rebellion Dragon eat us' or 'Any second now, we'll hear the creepy giggles of one of those baby weeping angel thingies'. Wrong shows, stupid. Stop making references that have nothing to do with this anime.

I shined Genta's light down another hallway. I think. The mirrors make it hard to tell what you can and can't walk through. "E-ellie!! Over here!! Quickly!!" Ayumi called out. I looked over her shoulder.

Heiji. Face down. Bleeding. Unconscious. No Conan.

Time to panic.

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