63 Explaining "My World" - Details

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Conan's POV

"Please bare in mind that this is information I've pieced together from many different sources over a long period of time, so it's a bit confusing, but this is what I got so far. You got to be very open-minded to follow, ok?"

Is this a good or bad thing? "...Sure..."

In the middle, Rory drew a box. She labeled the box '4th wall' and wrote 'Reality' inside it. "This is my world. It's at the center of all the universes and is what everything in all the other worlds - including your's - are based off of."

She drew another box of to the side. This one was labeled '1-3 walls' and inside was 'DC'. "This is where we are now. Each dimension is created when someone in reality comes up with an idea for a video game or TV show etc. Yours was made by a man named Gosho Aoyama. This world is a fictional anime about you."

"Wait, so I'm -"

"No interruptions!! Save your questions until the end." She cut me off, wagging her finger at me.

I frowned. "Fine."

She drew a box touching the 'DC' one, and labeled it 'MK'. "Gosho Aoyama also made another anime, that happens to be in the same universe as yours." She erased the wall separating the two. "And so one of the walls are broken, and characters from each one can freely mix, in a safe and stable way."

"So what's with the different types of walls? What do they do?"

"What did I say about questions?! Holy Goomy, be patient!! As I was saying, this is a stable combination. There can be unstable combinations also, however I'm not yet sure how they happen. All I know is when they do, any and all universes involved are permanently destroyed. So, as you pointed out earlier, there are different types of walls." She pointed at the one surrounding reality. "This is the fourth wall. Reality is the most important, being able to create other worlds and all, and so it must be carefully protected. It's surrounded by the most powerful of all the walls. Sometimes, people from other worlds can... I guess unknowingly attack it. What happens is when someone is talking directly to a viewer in reality, they are making tiny cracks and threaten to cause an unstable connection, like I mentioned earlier. Luckily, the fourth wall can heal itself. The cracks are too small to do any real damage to reality. People can also make references to other worlds, which would be attacking the first through third walls. Each world has their own wall to protect them, just like reality. The stronger the world becomes, the stronger the wall must be. These walls are constantly evolving to catch up with it's world's strength."

She wrote down some notes to the side, then read them out loud, as if I couldn't read or something. "The first wall is the weakest, and they get stronger as the number goes up. First walls are the most common, as they protect worlds that are simply ideas, ones that are just beginning to take form. They only exist for the person who made it up, and any other individuals they have told. A good example for this is a fanfiction. They are only ideas that a fan wishes would happen in a world they enjoy, but they never happened in that world so said fan will make up their own world around said idea. These ones are most likely to be destroyed or forgotten before evolving can start."

"The second wall is for 2D animations and mobile games and stuff. This is what your world has. It's something that has officially taken form and people all over reality can enjoy, but is still a bit on the basic side. The third wall is when the world is in 3D graphics or has live action. It's not much stronger from the second, but it's better. Reality is the only one with the fourth wall."

She paused for a second. "I think that's all..." She smiled at me. "Any questions?"


Hello dear melons!! So I'd like to know if you have any questions or if I explained this well enough. Anything you ask me, Conan will ask in the next chapter. Just try and put yourself in Conan's shoes when you think up any questions. Thank you!! :)

Rory, if you think of anything I missed, PM me.

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