38 Bakery Chatter

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Ellie's POV

We walked into the bakery and saw Conan sitting at a table. We all sat down with him.

"Haibara didn't come?" Mitsuhiko asked.


"Why doesn't she ever come with us anymore?" Ayumi complained.

"She's busy all the time."

"With what?!" Genta demanded. "She needs to get out of the house sometime!!"

"I don't know. Ask her yourself."

"Cure?" I whispered so the others wouldn't hear.

"More determined then ever."

A waiter came by. "Hello kids, what treats would you like today?"

They went around the table, each kid ordering something different: a jelly donut for Ayumi, strawberry ice cream for Mitsuhiko, M&M cookie for Conan, and a slice of pumpkin pie for me.

Genta was last to order. "Death by chocolate cake!! The biggest piece I can get!!"

"Oh, you like that too?" The waiter asked Genta. "Not many people can handle that much chocolate!" He put his pen to his chin. "In fact, I can only think of one other person..."

Curiosity got to me. "Really? Who?"

"Well, I don't know her name, but she's a regular who comes in almost every day around this time."

As if on cue, the door's bell rang as a teenage girl walked in the door and sat down at a booth a few seats away. "That's her."

I couldn't see her face, as it was covered by a menu. She looked normal enough, but something was of. Something big. A bad feeling filled my stomach. Who ever she was, Conan knew. He handed me his jacket and a hat. "Put these on. Don't let that girl see you."

"What? Why?"

"I'll explain later. I'm going to go talk to her. Act normal, and don't let them know what's going on." He demanded in a hushed tone, pointing to the kids by us. He turned to them, smiling. "I'm going to go talk to my friend for a minute. I'll be right back, ok?"

"Ok!" They didn't question in at all, just carried on with whatever they were talking about. Conan could be walking to his death now, and they would have no idea. I envy them so much...

Conan and his "friend" were too far for me to hear anything. They talked for a long time. I couldn't take a bit of anything. Worry filled me. What is he doing?!


Scorpion's POV

I pretended not to notice Conan and his friends. And my target.

Said boy with glasses came by and sat in the booth behind me so our backs where to against each other. He put up a menu so no one could see his face like me. I peeked at my target across the room, who was staring at me. The moment eye contact was made, she turned the other way. Conan's squeaky voice spoke up.

"I never got to thank you."


"It was brilliant, really, to use on of KID's smock bombs making it look like he saved me. So long as Gin never saw you, you where in the clear. The organisation would never know. But I still don't get it."


"How could you save my life, then take another's? Who's side are you on?"


"We were both human. We both had the right to live. What made it ok for him to go but not me?"


"It was Gin, wasn't it? 'If I don't, he will.' That's what you thought. You know what that was?"


"Just an excuse. A poor excuse to kill an innocent man. He had family and friends too. Those people had to suffer from his death. They had to suffer from you."

"He was just a drawing."


"All of us. We are drawings. It doesn't matter which ones are ripped up or thrown away."

Conan was at a loss of words. He has no idea what I know. What I have seen. What I have done. He's probably thinking that's the dumbest analogy ever. But it's not an analogy. He will never understand.

The waiter finally came to me as Conan left for him friends. I put down the menu and smiled up at him. "The usual?"

"As always."

My cake came, and I happily ate it up. When I was done, a napkin airplane flew across the room and landed on the plate. I looked around, trying to spot who had thrown it. Ellie smiled at me. Confused, I unfolded it.


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Did she just declare her own death sentence?! How stupid is she?!?!


Ellie's POV

Conan sat down again next to me, and started on his cookie. The others had finished, and Genta had even ate mine. (I wasn't hungry anymore.) He then noticed the napkin the girl was reading.

"What's that?"

"I sent her a note."

He looked at me funny. "About what?"

"I'm going to meet her later."

"ARE YOU INSANE?!?!?!" He jumped up and a few people stopped talking to stared at him. Blushing, he sat again.

"What was that about?" The detective boys asked.


They shook it off and blabbed on. The bakery went back to is normal chatter.

He looked at me again. "I think I already answered that question when we fell out of the tree."

"Well, yes, but really? Do you HAVE to meet her? Why?!"

"You haven't given me a reason not to, really. Say, how did you meet her?"

He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again.

"Again with the secrets!! Why don't you tell me anything?!"

"Because I feel like it'd be better for you not to know."

"Fine. But I'm going, and you wont change my mind."

"At least tell me time and place. She is a dangerous person, and I don't want you to go alone."

"Must you? I can do this on my own! Trust me for once!"

"Ellie, I just want you to stay safe. You don't know what your doing!"


"Where is the meet up. When."

"...Behind this building at midnight. Just don't let yourself be seen. I know something that you don't, and I know this will work out because of that."

I got up. "Thanks guys for the treat. It really did cheer me up." The Detective boys smiled at me. I smiled back. "Feel free to come by any time. Just... try not to wake me up. I get grouchy when I can't sleep."

Mitsuhiko  laughed. "Don't have to tell me twice!" The other two nodded in agreement.

"Well, got to run." I looked at Conan. "Remember, if you must come, stay hidden."

He rolled his eyes. "Sure, whatever."

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