23 Captured

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Akako's POV

"Is there anything else that we need to go over?"

"No, I feel this new plan will work out. Although I still want to know who I'm going this all to. There is no way I can see that not knowing will help in this." Scorpion stated. She sat across from me in one of the room's overstuffed armchairs, sipping the drink that Tesaki had just brought her. She hadn't brought her glasses today, and so a hat covered up those secret eyes today.

"Trust me, it's an advantage for you not to know. If we are done with this meeting, Tesaki will show you to the door."

"Fine. I will be seeing you soon, then, provided this one isn't interfered by HIM. Do you have any idea why he would help this person you insist on not naming?"

"No. He has never met her before yesterday, I'm sure. I've even checked her memories."

Scorpion looked down at her watch. "I must go now, or Snake will be wondering why I was gone so long." She stood up at followed Tesaki to the door.

I, on the other hand, walked up the staircase to Sophie's room.

*knock, knock* "Sophie? I'm home. Sorry for locking you in, I didn't want you messing with Lucifer again." No answer. "Sophie?" I opened the door.

The window was open, a small breeze blowing at the curtains. NO. SHE DID NOT. SHE BETTER HAVE NOT. IF SHE DID, THEN I'LL-!!!!


Sophie's POV


"Lffel dizzinki werk? Is that what it says?"

"-WHAT ARe you doin........."

I smiled at the book in my hands. Worth taking this thing along, then!! Kaito looked at me confused. "What is that? What did you do?"

"Oh, this is just a random spell book I found in Akako's bookshelf before we left. I thought she would probably try to track me down using magic, so I grabbed it. Like I predicted, she just yelled at me so I cast an anti-telepathic shield. The possessing one is already set."

"Nice. But how can you use magic? Your not a witch, are you?"

"No, I'm not. I don't know how I did that, but it worked, so I won't question it. Maybe not all rules of magic effect me due to the dimension stuff? Who knows. All I care is that she can't yell at me anymore." I carefully placed the book in my purse.

"So true. I got to go to Aoko's soon for dinner. Will you be ok?"

"I can manage. I know of a hotel with a police station literally next door."

"Well, ok, but stay safe."

"Bye. And once again, thanks."

"No problem, my lady." he presented a magic pink rose from thin air, and was gone.

I smiled to myself, and began my walk to the hotel. Hopefully, I could get there safely. And dinner would be ready by the time I got there. That would be good too.




The big sign began to poke above the roof tops as I got closer. It was dark now, and last sliver of sun vanishing quickly. Suddenly, I heard something that shocked me.

"IT'S HER!!"

WILL THESE GUYS NOT GIVE ME A BREAK?!?! UGH, GO AWAY!!!!!!! I sprinted ahead, and was soon chased by the two men in black. Hoping to lose them, I ran into an abandoned building. Nope. And now they brought our their guns.

Fleeing through a different exit, I ended up in the worst place for this to happen. A dark ally way. How do I get myself to these situations?!?! Why hadn't I asked KID to stay with me?!?! I'm so stupid!!! UUGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Akako, who had been looking for me for the past half hour, just happened to fly by now. No. Please don't betray me now. Please don't give me away.

"So... What're you doing?"

"Oh, just casually TRYING NOT TO DIE."

"That's nice. You know, I had a perfectly good reason to lock you in your room, and had you listened, you would still be there safe and alive. But noooooo, of course you couldn't stay put and be good. So now you're running for your life because you desired to disobey me and jump out the window. Speaking of which, how did you get down from that height and not break any bones? Surely you didn't do that on your own. Who helped you? It was KID, wasn't it?"


"Fine, fine. Do you still have the paper with the poison's formula?"


"Give it to me."

"...umm... ok..." I handed the paper to her. I didn't have much of a choice, really.

Akako took it and then flew behind the men. "HEY STUPID HEADS!!! LOOKING FOR THIS?!?!"

The men stopped shooting at me and pointed their guns at her. "Be a good girl, and hand it over!" One of them shouted.

Akako ripped it in half. "Nope."

Not missing a beat, the men fired. Akako yawned, and held up her hand in a fist. Force field. The bullets dropped like dead flies.

One of the men had the brains to turn around and try to take me hostage. Problem in their plan - I had gotten away before they thought of that.

Akako teleported away and we soon were both on the corner a block away from the police station next to the hotel I had been trying to get to earlier.

"Akako... I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I just... KID told me you and the BO were working together, and... I over heard you where going to have a guest come over, so I thought..."

"It's fine, Sophie. Everyone makes mistakes. Let's go tell the police what happened, ok?"

"Ok... I just don't see why KID would lie to me, and if he really did think that, what could mislead him to thinking you had connections to them?"

"I don't know."

I looked at the doors to the building just one block away. Safe at last. Akako led the way.

Suddenly, an iron bar flew out of the darkness, hitting me square in the face. I fell forwards, blood covering my hands. Akako slipped the now magically reattached paper for the poison under one of the red puddles.

The last thing I heard before losing consciousness was Akako's voice. "I'm sorry, KID was right. It's business." She hopped onto her magic broom, and flew away.

"Traitor!" I mumbled as a pair of chubby hands flung my over the same person's back.



Nobody's POV

Near the crime scene, a single witness was watching. This witness had seen everything. He hadn't truly gone to their friends house like they said they had to, but instead just wanted to see how things would play out. It obviously did not play out well.

"She really does trust people too easily..." he thought to himself. "Oh well. The least I can do it follow..."

The witness ignored the police station right there and did just that.

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