13 Aoko And The Box

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Kaito's POV

I awoke with a start as the alarm clock blasted thru my eardrums. Startled, I looked over to see the time. 9:30?!?!?! I OVERSLEPT BIG TIME!!!!!! In a rush, I shoved all my books and papers into my backpack and was almost out the door.

Wait! The gem! there is NO WAY I will leave it unattended!! I ran back across the room and grabbed it from where I left it the night before. Shoving the box into my pocket, I rushed off to school.

Sense the first class already started, I skipped my locker and ran most of the way down the hall to math class. Stopping in front of the door, I took a quick breather. Poker face in position. I opened the door.

As expected, everyone in class stopped everything and stared at me. Silence filled the room. I slowly walked down the aisles, everyone's eyes following me.

"Why are you late to class, Kaito?"

"I overslept."

"Do you at least have your homework?"


"...See me after school. For now, take your seat."

I sat down, everyone still focused on me. I love attention, but not this kind - I've never been later before! Will you all please STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT?!

After a long silence, Ms. Konno clapped her hands bringing everyone back to reality. People focused once more on the problems on the board.

"Wow, to think for once the Great and powerful Kaito was late!! I thought that was impossible, because your too awesome for that!!" Aoko whispered to me teasingly.

I scold back. She giggled, like she just accomplished something amazing. Ignoring her, I pulled out a paper like everyone else and began to record the equations. Not that I needed to, I knew all the answers instantly. It was just to make it look like I was working so I could inch onto Ms. Konno's good side.

"Oh!! Are you taking NOTES?! You never had to before! Could you possibly... NOT KNOW SOMETHING!? SAY IT ISN'T SO!!" Another giggle.

"Shut up, Aoko."


Aoko's POV

I love teasing Kaito! Why he didn't shoot some insults back, I have no idea. Probably trying to get on Ms. Konno's good side... Whatever. All the more fun to me!!

I was about to say something else, when something caught my eye. There was a small box slipping out of Kaito's pocket. It looked like the kind of box you put rings into... Why would be have something like that with him? There is no way he would be proposing to someone today! That's stupid! There must be something else in it... What is something that small that someone would keep with them? A good luck charm? No... that doesn't sound like something he would keep. Why try and guess, when he's right there? Just ask him!

No... I felt like this was something I shouldn't ask about. It's most likely a secret thing... If I see it later in his locker or something, maybe I could... NO. This is Kaito's privet property, I can't go sticking my nose into his business.

"Umm... Kaito?"

"Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?"

I grumbled to myself. He can be so rude sometimes!

"Well, sorry to interrupt your thoughts, but I wanted to ask you something. I wasn't going to insult you or anything..."

"Sure. You can say that all you want, I'm not listening."

I fought every muscle in my body to not smack him upside the head with the nearest mop.

"Fine. I don't care. You'll just never know what I was going to say..."

Time passed. We continued our own work in silence. He really didn't seam to care. Come on... I know your at least a little curious... snap already...

He glanced at me for a second. I looked away. A few more minutes passed.

"Aoko..." FINALLY! "...Can I borrow a pencil? Mine just broke."

I nearly fell out of my seat. REALLY?! I hadn't even notice it break... sweat dropping, I handed him my spare. "...sure..."


A few more boring equations and the bell rang. Everyone began packing up again. Kaito passed back my pencil, smiling. I frowned.

Did he seriously not care? Or was he playing with me? This normally works! He should be dying to know right now!!

Kaito walked out the door with everyone else. I stood there, alone, in the room. He can make me so mad sometimes!! He MUST be toying with me!! That jerk!!

Stuffing the remaining papers on my desk into my backpack, I looked over at his seat. There sat a small box. I stared at it in wonder... so it really did fall out? I looked around to make sure Kaito didn't come back.

Snatching it up in my hands, I examined it. Nothing was out of the ordinary with it... the urge to open it came upon me. No... This belongs to Kaito... Peeking would make him mad... I opened it anyways.


I jumped and dropped the box which fell on the floor with a 'click' as the lid shut again.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Shouted an angry Kaito from the doorway.

"Sorry sorry sorry! I just... I was going to ask what was in it, but you wouldn't answer, and then I saw it on your seat, so I wanted to peek and then... I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad!"


"No, I - you scared me before it was fully open..."

Kaito calmed down at that. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but that box is supposed to be a secret. You can't know what's in it, Aoko."

"Why not? What is it?"

"...nothing. We should hurry to our next classes. I'll see you later, ok?"


And with that he left, box in hand. It called out to me, taunting. Why did it bug me so much? What is in it? Why can't I know? What is Kaito hiding?? Ugh!! I don't like not knowing things!!


Kaito's POV

phew! That was close! Once more by my locker, I shielded the box from wandering eyes and opened it, just to be sure that the diamond was...


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