31 The Gift Of Remodeling

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Ellie's POV

"Hello again, Ellie. Welcome to tonight's dream."

"Hi, Akako..."

Me and the witch where once again in the dream park, with a creepy fog around us.

"Is this going to become an every night thing?"

"No, just when I have something to say."

"Well, thanks for not making it as scary this time. What is it?"

"I noticed you're still not sleeping in the tree house. Is something wrong with it?"


"The tree house you sleep under. It was a gift from me."

"Oh..." I blushed. "Hadn't thought of that... I thought it could be a trap, because, you know, it was really convenient. A bit TOO convenient... Why's it so run down?"

"Well, if it was in perfect condition, you would think it belonged to someone. So I gave you a base to build off. Also, then you can customize it as you wish."

"Makes sense."

"Tell you what, I can provide you with some money if you want. All you have to do is the construction. Just try to keep it cheap, this is my savings after all."

"What? Why?"

She looked the other way. "I was thinking about it... What you told me... You're right, I did betray you, and I'm sorry. Could this make it up to you?"


"I understand if your still mad."

"I'm not mad at you. Thanks! I would love the help!" I gave her my brightest smile.

"Really? Just like that?"

"Sure! Why not?" I could tell that she wanted to thank me, but something held her back. I walked up and hugged her. She didn't hug back, just stood there stunned. Her skin was cold and smooth. I wish she would wear proper clothes instead of this stupid witch outfit. It's weird to touch a person's belly like this.

She forcefully pushed me away suddenly causing me to stumble a bit but not fall down. I looked at her in disbelief. "I don't want your hugs. Don't ever do something like that again." She stated in a serious tone. She turned her back to me, but I saw the smallest peek of the warm smile she was trying to hide.

"Admit it. You liked that."

"Time for me to go."

"What?! It's not even morning yet!!"

"I know." She snapped her fingers, and I woke up with a start.

Zi zi was still asleep next to me. I moved my pillows around and found a ton of money underneath, with a note that read 'Use it wisely. It's all I can spare.' You wont have to worry about that, Akako. I've always been good at saving.

Not being bothered to count it, I yawned and put it in my purse. Tomorrow I can make some upgrades, but for now, I need sleep.




When I awoke once more, I returned the things inside, then sat down with my pen and pad to start sketching blueprints. I also made a list of things to buy. After breakfast at the gas station, I tucked Zi zi into my hood and we set off on our shopping spree.

It took a few days for us to collect all the materials, and even longer to build with it all, but eventually it worked out. I recycled a ton of things from the dump to build up the walls and roof, patch up the floor, etc. I was able to make a few patchwork things for decorating, and repair some furniture to fill in the empty space. This was good, but they were too big to carry to my new home, let alone up the ladder. The search for a wagon began. It took a while, but one was found and I wheeled everything from the dump to my tree. Now to get it up... Using the rope with hooks from the dresser, I created a pulley system to lift the things up. Everything easily fit through the non-existent windows. When was done with it, I hooked a bucket to the end for an easier method to carry up snacks for later. I also hid the wagon in some bushes under my tree for safe keeping. Once the windows were repaired, the fun task of decorating began. I made a living room on one half, a kitchen/storage in one corner, and a work area in the last. Zi zi made a home out of under the desk. I still needed a bed, so I patched up an old hammock and string it under the tree house perfectly angled to give me a view of the stars before I sleep. I carved a bit of a nearby branch away for a place to keep my glasses.

One day, I was finally able to stand back and admire my handiwork. I have to admit, this was something to be proud off.

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