Announcement... Please Read

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I can't do this anymore... I just... I'm sorry, melons, but... ok, let's back up a little bit.

First of all, thank you all so much. Never did I ever think I'd get this popular, and it still blows my mind of much of you care for this silly book! I mean, 17.5K reads and 1.5K votes?! That's crazy! Since when did I ever deserve any of that?!?! So... Thank you. You are the reason I got so far in the first place.

An especially special thanks to Tharkflark1 for introducing me to Detective Conan in the first place, and being my main motivation source all this time. Thank you for being so supportive of me and helping me with plot/characters/outlines/everything else when I had writers block. There is no way I could have done this without you. CryingMeth for being my first reader and internet friend when I was just starting on Wattpad. You helped me a ton in the beginning, kick starting my brain and spreading the word to other readers. Without you, I probably wouldn't be as "popular" as I am now. callmeallysa (won't let me tag you for some reason? idk sorry) for the fantastic cover on this story, and occasional constructive criticism. Even if you sherbet that big in my life I'm super grateful for you're kindness and help. And finally everyone else, weather you be a ghost reader or comment on every-other-chapter, I love each and every one of you. Like I said above, each and every one of you are the reason this was able to happen.

Now, sorry to be a Debby downer but it's time for the bad news... I've actually lost interest in Detective Conan for a very very long time. Before Rory even died! It was just so long and time consuming, I couldn't bring myself to finish it. So many things where happening in my life and I'd never have enouph time. But, because of you guys, I still enjoyed this book.

Trust me, there is nothing worse for an author than continuing a book they've lost interest in. I'd have given up looooong ago, if I didn't like writing it so much. But because of you guys, I was still motivated, even if not as much as before. So it just became less about DC and more about Ellie and her misadventure.

But since then... even this got boring as it dragged out longer and longer. Nothing is meant to last 100 chapters, it's just become too much. All stories need an ending, and this one is overdue.

The problem with this is stories also need to be well paced. I can't just randomly say "ok, that's it, the end" and be over and done with it. I think I is I added too much filler in the beginning, which led to this mess I have now. I should have planned it out better, and not been such an idiot. At least now I'll know for next time.

Anyways, if you haven't figured it out by now, The Test Subject is, sadly, being discontinued. I considered putting it up for adoption, but I can't help but worry that whoever takes it will somehow ruin what I have so far. No offence. I'm just being over protective of this dumb thing because it's my first and most successful story anywhere. It really means a lot to me.

Just to clarify; because I'm discontinuing The Test Subject, does that mean my other works will too? No. Duel Or Be Dueled is is kind of on hold for a bit (I'm remodeling a few things) but should be updated sometime soon, and When I've got Nothing Else To Do is same as always. Feel free to pop a few requests over there if you want.

One last thing, which is really important, at least read this part please I don't want to leave you all forever with the cliff hanger from last chapter... and the outline for the remained of the story IS prewritten, so.... Would anyone be interested in that? Vote bellow! Bonus if you give a "why".

Umm, so yeah, I think that's it? Sorry again about this. I wish I could continue, but I just can't anymore. I've lost my motivation. Thank you for understanding, and I'll see you in the next, and final, chapter.

The Test Subject : A Detective Conan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now