83 Fun And Games

177 11 14

The video above is a Homestuck Animation of "Lullaby for the Gods". This song is referenced in the Chapter bellow. Enjoy!


Ellie's POV

That was probably the best I've slept in a long time. My hammock is nice and all, but Susan has a really comfortable couch! I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow! Plus I can't remember the last time I got to wake up to the smell of pancakes... so delicious!

I honestly don't know why I didn't trust Susan sooner. She's so nice!

Today was her day off too, so I actually had something to do for once. We played board games, watched a movie, went out to lunch, and a ton of other fun stuff. It was great.

But all greatness must come to an end.

A little after dinner, we got in the car once more so she could drive me back to the park. I felt a little sad to leave, but it's for the best. It was quiet most of the way home, her eyes on the road and mine watching buildings and people zip by through the window.

Apparently the silence made Susan uncomfortable, because she tried striking up a conversation. It didn't work.

"Did you have fun today?"


"Would you be willing to do it again?"


"On what?"

"I don't know. This all just feels... off. You know?"

"No, I don't."

I shrugged. It's hard to explain, so why bother trying to?

She clicked the radio on for something to listen to. A little while later, the car pulled into the parking lot.

"Well, here we are. I'm glad you had fun. Maybe I'll stop by sometime?"

I'd feel more comfortable if you didn't. "Sure, why not?"

She smiled. "Ok then. Bye!"

I return the gesture, then opened the door and hopped out. She drives away, disappearing into the busy traffic shortly after.

Good riddance.

The park is starting to empty out. A few stray kids are running around, their parents trying to collect them. I stroll past them all, ready to go to bed myself. It's been a long day.

Upon my arrival home, I find Zi zi and Luna chasing each other, zig-zagging through the tree trunks. Looks like a game of tag. I chuckle, sitting down in the shade of one tree, letting them do their thing.

I pull my ipod music out, planning to rest my eyes for a minutes or two before rounding them up for bed. A peaceful "Lullaby for the Gods" fills my ears. One of my favorites. I quietly hum along, eyelids drooping and almost manage to fall asleep until I feel Zi zi push against my leg.

"Hmm? You ready for bed, big guy?" I ask, looking up just to see him run take cover behind a tree. I roll my eyes. Guess not.

"Silly cat, I'm not going to chase you."

He peeks around the corner, sees me looking at him and quickly "hides" again. I hear Luna cooing from someplace, as if she's trying to taunt me.

I sigh.

After a bit of being ignored, Luna flies over and pecks my head a few times.

"Ow! Hey, no, stop that!" I shoo her way, only for the persistent dove to come back immediately and try again.

"Fine, fine! Stop it, I'll play!"

She zips off.

After unplugging my music, I get up and stay true to my word. I'm not really into at first, just kind of stumbling around trying to catch one off guard so I can rest again. But that's the funny thing about playing. The more you do it, the more you enjoy it. Eventually, the three of us were running in circles playing tag until long past the sunset. And I enjoyed it.

We fell asleep in an exhausted dog pile at the bottom of our tree, late into the night. The ground wasn't too comfortable, but none of us cared.

Sure, I'll regret it tomorrow, but I don't want to fall out of a tree and break my arm or whatever. Climbing up this tired would come at a high risk of doing that. I'll deal with a sore back tomorrow.

For now, I'm slowly stroking Luna and Zi zi, both curled up in my jacket with me. The stars twinkle down on us as I softly hum a lullaby for the Gods.

"Good night, you little punks. See you tomorrow."



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