12 How To Split A Diamond

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Kaito's POV

Once home, I sat down at my desk and studied the jewel.

Diamonds are the hardest material out there, but surprisingly easy to split. While flat surfaces are next to impossible, all edges/corners are much softer. It you can wedge a paper-thin chisel at just the right angle, it will split the diamond into two with a perfectly smooth cut. However, even though it is doable, it is still hard. That's why you have to find the weakest point before trying. Otherwise, it will be crushed into a million bits. Anyone can find that weak point by simply pressing on every corner and seeing which one is sharpest. That is where you hit it.

I wanted to get the Pandora out without damaging the Blue Lover's Diamond, but that was physically impossible for even a magician like me. The only way was to carefully split the diamond... and hopefully, when I returned the halves, they would understand... Who am I kidding, they never will.

Speaking of which, I needed to write a notice to Nakamori that I found what I'm looking for... but I couldn't tell yet when I would get it opened, because someone at some point dulled all the edges making finding the sharpest much harder then it should be. Curses to them... I may smash it due to them...

I yawned. It was late, and I was yet to start my homework. Carefully, I placed the diamond in a small cushioned box and placed that in my desk drawer.

I turned to page 92 in my text book and started on the math equations. Before I knew it, I was dozing off to sleep.

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