58 Smoke Bombs

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Ellie's POV

I don't know how, but we did it. We got Heiji out. I have to admit, I'm rather proud of myself. By now, he should be in the emergency room with what's-her-name girlfriend person. The girl who got cuffed to him when they were kids. That girl.

When we had gotten out, everyone else we had come with was waiting by the entrance. Where the heck they were, I'll never know. But Conan. He's still in there for all I know.

I gave Haibara the BO update and we both searched the area for evidence of someone leaving. Nothing. So he MUST still be in there. The question is where? It's a maze I'm never entering again, so until he gets out... Please get out alive.

I sat down under a tree, taking out my pad of paper and a pen to doodle out some notes.



Conan, Gin, Vodka


Me, Ran, Sonoko, Mouri, Agasa, Haibara, DB members, Aoko, police guys


Heiji, Heiji's GF


Kaito, Rory, Akako, Hakuba, other BO


I stroked my invisible beard. It's possible Rory is inside if she followed Conan or Gin and Vodka. Kaito could also be in there. He did disappear right before I went in, and I wouldn't be too surprised if he just charged in without a light. He most likely had one anyways. Or maybe he changed into his KID suit? No, there's not point for him to do that.

As for why I wrote down Akako and Hakuba, I don't know. I feel like they might pop up soon. Maybe. I mean everyone else has, so why not?

Ok, back to the main problem. What's my next move?


Kaito's POV

Man it's dark in here... I wonder where Ellie went. I thought she was right behind me, but I guess not. Hope she's not lost like I am. And where have Tantei-kun and his dark-skinned friend gone off to? I haven't seen anyone in ages!! I hope they're ok...

I flashed my light's beam around a corner. Dead end again. Seriously, why did the builders have to make this place a maze?? It's really ticking me off.

I turn around and wander another direction for a bit. Then I see someone. Careful to not get spot, I hide around a corner where the mirrors can't get the right angle for them to see me, but I can still see them.

It's him. That silver-haired guy. Gin was it? His name doesn't matter. He's talking to someone I can't see, so I shift my position until the wobbly reflection comes into view. Tantei-kun. "There's nowhere left to run, Kudo Shinichi. Accept your fate already. You should have died long ago..."

I'm about to jump out when one of my signature pink smoke bombs blows up. MINE. AND I DIDN'T SET ONE OFF. Who is copying my tricks?!?!

Either way, the person's intentions work because Gin starts screaming. "IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, YOU STUPID THIEF, LEAVE NOW!! I WILL SHOOT YOU THIS TIME!!!" So this has happened before?? He muttered about how Snake was right and I'm a huge pain everyone has underestimated. I'm so honored!!

"Ki Ki Ki!!! You'll never catch me!!!!" Recording of my voice. Definitely.

A silhouette with my body-build walks past me, towards the two confused people in the pink mist. No, it's not walking, it's floating. Just a dummy on strings. I silently chuckle. Such cheap tricks. What a joke. And this guy is actually falling for it. Unbelievable.

Said fool fires a shot at the dummy, right through it's would-be heart. At least he has good aim. Shortly after, he and Tantei-kun fall over, fast asleep. I was smart and got out of the smoke's range ages ago, before it's effects got to me.

I watched as a masked Rory lowered herself from the ceiling and stood over her sleeping victims. Of course it was her!! Why didn't I think she'd be the one? Coming from another world that stalks my world, how could she not know all my tricks?!

The teen bent over to pick up Tantei-kun, dropped a note next to Gin, then began walking away. Curious, I read the note from my hiding area.


Stop messing with me and my Tantei-kun if you know what's good for you. Bad guys never win. Just give up already.

(KID signature)


Trying to frame me, is she?! Why doesn't she just use his weakness against him?! Surely he has one, and surely she knows it!! How could she not?!?! She knows everything!!!!

I begin following her down the many mirrored hallways. She knows her way around surprisingly well. Glad I now have a secret guide and we're not just lost again. She exits through a back door. I exit the same way.

Another smoke bomb.

"Aha!! I knew someone was following me!!" She doesn't even bother to look and see who I am as I cough a bit, and fall over sleeping just like everyone else.

The last thing I see is her climbing the amusement park's fence with Tantei-kun's limp sleeping body draped across her shoulder.

You bastard!! Mark my words, I will get you back!! I will -


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