75 English Statements

227 14 18

Ellie's POV

I pinched my arm. No, I'm awake. And alive. I wish I wasn't...

After calming my nerves slightly, I feel around for my glasses to see what the white thing I'm looking at is.


They aren't here.

"Looking for these?" Someone poked my shoulder with the lenses, making me slightly jump before turning to face the human blob.

"Yeah, thanks." I muttered, taking them.

I looked up at the person. Susan. Of course.

We were the only ones in the room. All the walls were painted white, along with the ceiling. The floor was covered in a light-tan carpet that looked very fuzzy. I was laying on a small bed, like the ones you would find in a school clinic. There are nine other cots, five on each side, each with it's head pushed up against the wall and the tail facing another bed opposite to that one. There's no other furniture in this room, and nothing covers the walls except a simple brown door at one end and a wall clock hanging above it.

"Where are we?"

"At the police station. This is the napping room."

"What're we doing here?"

"We need your statements. About the fire."

"Is... is Conan here?"

"Your friend with the glasses? He's already gone. Finished hours ago. You want to go do yours now?"

"Umm... ok?"

Susan smiled at me, as she opened the door. I walked through into the empty hallway.

Where is everybody??

"Are... are we the only ones here?"

"No, but most people are in the offices, on the opposite side of the building. You'll most likely only see a few people while here."

We walked in silence. She lead me down another hallway, and we entered a room. I feel like I'm exploring the remains of ghost town.

This one was just as empty as the napping room. Why do they even have a napping room? I guess that's off topic... Whatever.

The room was also white, with the same fuzzy carpeting. In the middle was a small table with two swivel chairs facing each other. On the table is a recorder hooked up to a mike. It reminded me of the interrogation rooms in detective shows. Well, this is a detective show after all... this might as well be their interrogation room.

Susan was already sitting, and motion to the seat across from her. I sat down, making the chair spin a complete 360 before looking back at the police officer before me.

"Do you want to go right to the point, or start small talk?"

"Small talk? We can do that?"

"Of course we can. Well, only if we have time for it, and we happen to right now. It just feels for natural, don't you think?"

"I guess that makes sense..."

"So are you feeling better? You're acting a lot nicer than before."

"Not really... I still don't want to believe it's true... can we start without something else?"

"Sure. What do you want to talk about?"

"I... I'm not very social... Don't know how to start conversations..." I blush. This feels like I'm in therapy, not giving a statement to the police!

The Test Subject : A Detective Conan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now