32 The Files

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Conan's POV

I looked at the alarm clock. 9. finally, the weekend... I would love to just kick back and sleep all day. It sure has been a busy week after all, cases coming in faster than I can solve them. Not to mention Ellie. I haven't seen her since we went to see KID. Wonder how she's getting along...

I yawned, stretched, and rubbed my eyes. Putting my glasses on again, I zombie-walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Glad you're finally up, sleepy head!" Ran greeted from the kitchen stove as I stumbled to the table. "What would you like for your late breakfast? Pancakes? Eggs? Toast?"

"Pancakes are fine, thank you Ran." How do morning people do it? I could really use some coffee right about now!

The steaming pancakes flopped onto the plate, and I started eating. The phone rang, so Ran went to get it. That better not be another client. I just want one day off!! Please!!

"Hello? No, this is Ran. Sure, I bet he would love to! I'll send him out after breakfast. Where? Ok, bye."

Ran came back and sat down across from me. "That was Ayumi. She wanted to know if you would like to go play soccer with her and the other detective boys."

"Sure. Where did she say to meet up?" I asked in my childish voice. At least it's not baseball this time...

"You'll be playing at the park near Genta's house. Now finish your food, and then I'll let you go."





"GOOOOOOOAL!!!!!" Shouted a very proud Mitsuhiko, as he high-fived Ayumi.

"That was a great shoot, making to score 2-3! We're making a comeback!" The excited girl cried.

"Eh, you just got lucky!" Genta claimed. "The sun was in my eyes."

"Say whatever you want, Genta, but that was legit!" Mitsuhiko replied.

"Conan, you're the goalie now! I need to teach this boy a lesson!" He pushed me in between the goal's posts.

"Oh no! He's getting serious! Watch out, Mitsuhiko!" Giggled Ayumi.

The game resumed and Genta kicked the ball down the field, aimed, and missed. The ball rolled away and landed near a tree.

"I'LL GET IT!!" The three kids cried together, and raced to be the first one there. Oi, oi... only one person is needed to grab a ball...


Ayumi's POV

Me and the boys ran to grab the ball, and got there at the same time. Fighting who would bring it back, it slipped again and rolled to the foot of the tree. I snatched it up, and was about to return to the field with the others, when something caught my eye.

"Mitsuhiko! Genta! Come here!"

They came and stood by my side, then followed my gaze to the rope ladder hanging from the tree. "What's a ladder doing here?" Mitsuhiko asked.

"Only one way to find out! Let's go!" Genta declared as he started up the ladder.

"I don't think we should do that..." Mitsuhiko warned. "Someone owns this place and we would be trespassing!"

"When has that stopped you?" I asked, climbing up after Genta. "What if someone was being held captive here! We could be saving them!"

"Well, when you put it that way... Ok!"

The Test Subject : A Detective Conan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now