94 Dead?

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Guys, I am SO SO sorry

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Guys, I am SO SO sorry. I have no excuse for this. Just plain forgot. So.... yeah, there's nothing else to say here.

Thank you for being patient with me, and sorry for the short chapter. It had to be this length or else I'd never get anything out. Sorry.

Hopefully, it was worth the wait anyways. Maybe.


Ellie's POV

I'm dead.

I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm finally dead, It finally happened, I don't want to die, but I'm dead now, and there's nothing I can do about it, nobody will even know I'm dead until morning and even then nobody will care that I died.

A voice says something muffled; I can't quite make it out through the loud ringing in my ears, and I don't want to open my eyes yet to see who. I don't want to look. I'm too scared, knowing that I'm not going to like what I see whether it be heaven above or...

I can't look.

The voice says something else, but again, I can't understand it yet. However, I'm a little more focused on it now, so I can at least make out bit more than before.

Whoever is talking, they sound feminine, yet still kind of deep... A tenor pitch, maybe. It's a familiar voice, someone I know, yet I can't place a face to it yet. Their tone is worried and slightly panicked, yet still calming and reassuring somehow. Like a mother would be fussing over a small, sick child.

So... this is what angels sound like... I mean, it'd have to be one. I'm dead, and the voice sounds too genuine to be a demon.

Or maybe not.

The person finally snaps. They shake my shoulders, screaming something that I can only assume means it's time to wake up.

My eyes pop open, and I immediately regret it, as they're hit with a blinding light. Whoever it is, sounds relieved now, and they stop trying to give me whiplash. Instead the hug me, and I think I can feel tears on my back now.

Now I'm just extremely confused.

My eyes finally adjust to the light, which I had assumed was from being in heaven, but no. The way I was laying made the streetlight above shine directly in my eyes, causing to momentarily blind me.

Trying to figure out where am, I look around. My search proves fruitless though, as it seems my glasses were removed at some point. Outside the pool of light me and this person are under, it's just a black void.

Speaking of which, who is hugging me anyways?

I look at them, trying to make out something, anything, they are mumbling into my shoulder.


Then that means... Japanese? My translators are broken after all, so it would make sense that I can't understand them.

"Umm... Who are you?" I ask, trying not to sound too awkward and obviously failing.

The person pulls away, their large hands still on my shoulders, so we're sitting face-to-face. I squint at them, trying to see who they are, but fail to make out anything more than a head with short dirty-red hair and... pink pjs maybe?

"...Where are my glasses?"

No response.

Slightly frustrated, I free myself from their grasp. "Glasses." I repeat, making my hands circle around my eyes, hoping the gesture will help. "Where are they?"

The person finally gets it, and turns to pick them up off the ground a few feet away. Guess they fell off when this person saved me.

This person... saved my life...

It's all still sinking in. Am I dead? I'm not so sure now. Either way, I have no idea how to react.

My hero finally hands me my glasses, and I put them on, adjusting them so they're comfortable. Finally, I can get a good look at their fa-

My heart skips a beat.

I really did die.

There's no other way Rory would be sitting in front of me like this.

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