3 Flashback

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?'s POV

Me and Conan sat on the couch across from each other, while Haibara unwrapped the bandage from my head. (My minor wound had healed while I was asleep) Agasa was no where to be seen, but I guess I can meet him later... Conan was firing one question after another at me, most of which I didn't know myself.

Frustrated, I put my finger to his lips. I calmly looked him in the eyes. "Shut up." I removed my shhh finger. He stared at me in disbelief.  After all, he's yet to figure out I know his situation, and am stuck in it too. All he knows is an 8 year old told him that. "Can I ask you something for a change?"

After a pause, he responded. "Sure. What is it?"

"First of all, your yet to introduce yourself, and secondly I know as much as you do probably even less. Why on earth am I in your house?"

"Really? I'm sorry, my name is Conan Edogawa, and the girl working on your head is Ai Haibara. I was hoping you knew why you were knocked out in front of m- err... a neighbor's house..."

"I was...? could you explain that better for me?"

"umm... well, I'm not that good at story telling, but I'll try..."


Agasa's POV (Flashback)

I put the cellphone back in my pocket. Ran had just called to tell me Conan will be coming over for the night. Neither she or Conan would tell me why they had set this up, but I couldn't think much more of it now. I had a brilliant idea for a new invention that I wanted to start right away, and so I rushed home quickly.

Opening the front door, I discovered Haibara on the couch. This was definitely unusual, for she normally was away in her lab working on an antidote when I get home.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, taking a few steps to the door of my lab. I really wanted to get to work.

"No..." She replied not looking up.

"Then why are you on the couch? Your never like this when I normally get home..."

"Today just feels... different."

"How so?"

"I don't know... It's just... different."

Confused, I walked into my lab. Now that I thought of it, there was a bad feeling about today... Haibara was right. Today was different. But why?

Pushing that aside, I focused on the task ahead. Time to start my latest and greatest creation!!




I sat back as admired my handy work. It was only half way done, but was almost functional. I looked at the clock. Holy cow! Where had the time gone?! Not only had I missed dinner, but Conan would be arriving any minute! I put my tools away, and walked out into the living room.

Haibara had changed into her lab coat and was staring out the window. I peaked over her shoulder to see what she was staring at. Outside was Conan, with no Ran or Mouri, but not alone. He was standing on the edge of the street, ready to kick a soccer ball at the person across the street.

The person on the other side was dressed in a white tux, cape and hat. I couldn't see it from here, but I was positive he was giving one of his famous grins. I knew who he was, that was a no brainer. The question was WHY he was here. Also, what in the world was a carrying?

The two seemed to be chatting, but I couldn't hear through the glass. In an instant, Kaito flipped his cape and disappeared, leaving whatever it was laying in front of Shinichi's gate. Conan sighed, and knocked on the door to my house.

I opened it for him.

"Can you carry that girl in for me?" I nodded in response.

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