86 Students And Teachers

165 8 7

The song above is referenced in this chapter. It's called Discord. MLP song, Gravity Falls pictures. So I guess that's two birds with one stone? kind of stupid birds for it's reason though... Maybe I should use a different song. Wait, did I just type that out loud? Oops! (cue ominous hinting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )



Ellie's POV

The bakery.

It had to be the bakery.

I haven't been here in forever, not since... Rory.

I feel my eyes starting the tear up. Sakura doesn't seem to notice this yet. "I thought that it'd be nice to get ourselves a treat." She smiles over at me. "Consider it a welcoming gift, from me."

"I... I don't blame you, because you didn't know, but..."

Concern filles Sakura's face. She immediately knows she goofed up but my response alone. "I'm sorry, does this place give you back memories? We can go someplace else to eat."

I nod.

We leave the bakery, but the thought of that place continues to haunts me. I try to shake off the feeling, but it refuses to leave.

Everything about today is horrible.

We end up going to a fast-food place for lunch, getting ice cream cones afterwards. I can't stand looking at Sakura eating her double-scoop chocolate cone, but say nothing on the subject. It's better if I just don't think about it. Instead, I stare at my one scoop of cookie dough ice cream. Without chocolate chips.

My cone melted before we got back.

After that, I was left alone to do whatever I wanted so long as I stayed on orphanage grounds. Sakura had her hands full with one of the twins who'd scraped her knee and Ayano had gotten in a fight with some boy twice her size while we were gone.

I don't know if Ayano is either incredibly brave or just plain stupid.

I decided to stay clear of the playground, and other people in general, so I headed up to the bedroom to find something to do by myself.

However I wasn't safe up there either, because Mirei had moved from the cafeteria to her bed, the one right above mine.

She doesn't look up when I come in, just continues reading her book quietly. I guess this'll be better than anyone else in this cursed building. Besides, I'll easily forget she's even there. It'll feel just like being alone.

"Do you mind if I turn on some music?"


"I'll take that as a 'no'." I respond to her silence, flipping on my playlist. Lindsey Stirling fills the room, and I hum along with the notes for a bit.

Sitting on the window seal, I look down at the many people rushing by on the sidewalk. Maybe I could practise drawing a few of them.

Sketching helps me calm down anyways, so I might as well.

"You not aloud to do that."

I'm taken aback by hearing Mirei's voice. At least I think it's her's. I wouldn't know, this is the first thing she's said anything to me. Then again, she's the only other one in this room, or course it has to be her.

"To do what?"

"Sit on the window seal." She responds, not even looking up from her book.

I'm a bit annoyed by this fact, but jump to the floor anyways. Rules are still rules and I don't want grounded or whatever else they do here for punishment on my first day.

I flip the nearby trash can upside down - nobody's used it yet, so there's no mess - and sit on that instead. From this angle, I can't see the people wandering below the building as well so I draw Mirei instead.

Either she doesn't notice or doesn't care. Probably the second one is she was able to see me sitting on the window without looking up.

A few songs later, I'm doodling the Crystal Gems and singing along to Discord. Just like I predicted, I completely forgotten Mirei existed until now.

"You know English?"


"This song is in English. You know the words."

"Oh. Yeah, I know it."

"How can you know English but not to read and write?"

Ugh, not this again... "Who told you that? Does anyone else know?"

"Sakura, no. Are you going to answer my question?"

"Well, it's because I'm not really from Japan."


I nod.

"Could you teach me?"

Normally I'd be shocked for someone to ask this, but with all the other unpleasant surprises today, I'm not really. Still though, I don't know how to respond. So I awkwardly shrug.

Mirei climbs down for the bed and approached me. The room gets really hot all of a sudden. Or maybe that's just me.

She pulls me up from my seat, her hands on my shoulders. Her look of dead seriousness sends chills down my spine. "Please."

I rub the back of my neck, feeling my sweat building up as I do so. "I-I never really was a good teacher..."

Mirei frowns. There's no way she'll take 'no' for an answer, is there?

I sigh. "What's in it for me?"

"I'll teach you to read and write."

"Fine. We'll start tomorrow, I'll need time to think up lessons."

She cracks a small smile, extending her hand. "Deal?"

I shake it. "Deal."

Her grin grows. "Thank you."

And that was that.


Ugh, what am I getting myself into??

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