68 One-Hit Kill

225 14 11

Conan's POV

I couldn't help myself!! That safe was teasing me!! I just had to know what was in it!! I even was doing a good job with it, getting past the first nine locks in record time. But then the last one - finger prints. Of course. When I saw what it was, I decided to give up. There's no way I could get past it without Rory, and if I tried then the alarm would go off. So I waited for Gin to leave.

But then my elbow somehow bumped it.

I'm not even 100% sure how it happened, but somehow I'm now ready to jump out the second-story window if needed, and my sneakers are turned on, threatening to kick the lamp by my foot.

Gin is in the doorway, holding his gun up and smirking evilly. "I've finally got you." He laughs. "Jump if you want, I'll just kill you down there. If you can even survive the fall. And you know I'll shot if you kick."

I just glared back, having no idea what to do. Every option leads to a dead end. We both know Gin has me cornered, no escape. But there must be something... There's always a hole no matter how carefully you plan.

Unexpectedly, another gun was loaded from the hallway.

"Put. The gun. Down."

Gin hid his fear well, but there is no way he isn't scared of Rory right now. "Scorpion, are you trying to defy me?" He asked calmly, not facing his attacker.

There was a short pause, but her answer was firm. "Yes. Now put. The gun. Down."

Gin chuckled slightly. "Fine. I'll play this game. For now." Gin slowly leaned over and placed his gun at his feet.

"Kick it. Towards Conan." He gave it a soft kick so it was in my reach. I picked it up, but thinking the former BO member had it under control, just put it in my pocket in the quick-to-draw position.

"Give him your walkie-talkie too." Gin scolded that this one, but did it also, kicking it gently to me as before. I took it and, finding no use of it, chucked it out the window making sure it got smashed on the way down.

"Hands on your head. Walk to the wall, facing it." Gin did as he was told.

"Conan. Let's go." I didn't hesitate. Happy to finally get out of here, I took a step towards Rory, but before I could get past Gin he grabbed me while pulling a pocket knife seemingly out of thin air and pointed it at my chest. Classic hostage strategy. How could I let myself fall for that?!

"Let me go or I'll stab him." Gin threatened Rory. I could see her gun slightly shaking, but she didn't move from the doorway. "Are you deaf? I said move!!" He growled again. "Or do you WANT him to die?!"

No response. I started sweating. Maybe I was putting too much faith into her, she was in the BO after all!

"You asked for it." Gin raised his hand, getting a good swing so the knife could be a one-hit kill. I closed my eyes. Goodbye world! Goodbye Ran! I love you!!





Did I die yet? I don't feel dead. Do I? What's it feel like to be dead anyways? I have no idea. Slowly, I opened one eye to see the corpse in front of me.

Gin's corpse.

I stared at him, his lifeless eyes never to see anything again. The clean knife that it's user will never again use. The hole that was carefully placed to pierce his head at just the right angle, making it a one-hit kill.

I looked at Rory. "You killed him."

Rory was a ghostly white. She kept looking from the body to her gun to the body again in disbelief.

"What... what have I done?"

There was nothing else to say.

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