5 Leaving

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Ellie's POV

Conan turned pale. He opened his mouth to say something, decided agent it, and closed it again. Haibara rentered the room. When did she leave? I hadn't noticed... She looked at Conan and smirked, then said something. Conan turned red with anger and shouted in response while pointing at me. This time it was Haibara who stared. She looked at me in disbelief.

I shrugged, then smiled awkwardly. Why did we have to have this language barrier? Dose Haibara know English? I wouldn't be surprised. I know Conan is fluent, I think Kaito is fluent but not sure, and I believe Mitch (What's the detective boys' Japanese names? I always forget... Mental note to look that up later...) knows a tiny bit. Maybe.

When the two were done staring, which didn't take long, they continued their conversation as if I wasn't there. Probably planning what to do with me. I don't know. They could be talking about llamas driving cars and I'd have no idea. Maybe I should leave while they are distracted...

Almost to the door, I was spotted by Agasa. We didn't say anything to each other, he just handed me three small objects. The first looked like a hearing aid that old people use. The second a mini microphone with a hook on the back. Finally, the third was a pocket-sized remote with what looked like an oven's dial but instead of labeled numbers it had languages. Agasa pointed to the hearing aid then my ear. I placed it in.

"Can you understand me?"

I nodded.

Agasa's face light up. "Yes! It works! What I just gave you is a wireless translator. People can speak Japanese and you will hear English. If you set up the microphone, then you can speak English and it will come out was Japanese. The hook is just to keep it stable around one of you teeth. Keep the remote, and when you wish to speak another language, just change the dial. I can add more languages later if you want, but for now it only has the two you'll need, English and Japanese. Well go on, test the microphone!"

I placed the microphone in my mouth, carful not to crush it to bits. "Testing, one two three, testing one two three..." I looked at the professor in wonder. "This is amazing! How did you do it?!"

He put on a proud expression. "Well to start -"

"On second thought, don't bother. I don't speak fluent 'scientist' even with this thing."

He looked kind of disappointed.

I looked back at the two "kids" who where still discussing plans. Now I was sure they were talking about me, as I heard my fake name mentioned several times, along with stuff involving the organization and whatever. I looked back at the professor. "Thank you, but I need to go."

"Why so soon, Ellie?"

"I need to find a place to stay... I don't think I'd feel comfortable living with Haibara. She just gives me the creeps..."

"I know what you mean, but trust me, she's really nice once you get to know her. You'll warm up to it."

"Still... I just feel... awkward. I think it would be better if I lived someplace else. A place close by of course, but... alone. I feel safer alone."

"...I understand. Should I help you look?"

"I'll be fine. Thanks for everything. I'll be back tomorrow."

Agasa held open the door for me. I looked at Conan one last time. Am I really sure I want to leave? They could be close by... No. I feel strange here. Then again, this world is messed up... No. I'm leaving. I can come back when I'm ready, but as of now I'm no use to them. I cant do anything cool like shoot a gun or do advance computer programing stuff.

I walked out of the house, not looking back. I was going to start my own adventure. The problem was, I didn't know exactly what I was getting myself into, leaving my only protection. I just majorly underestimated everyone.

The Test Subject : A Detective Conan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now