59 Different Deductions

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Ellie's POV

Ran having a mental breakdown is not a pretty sight, and the only reason Mouri cares is because Ran is taking it so hard. If she hadn't burst into tears, I bet you anything he'd be at the nearest bar celebrating.

The police have finally shown up, and the lights were restored to the house of mirrors. Better late than never I guess...

The body was finally found (didn't really care) around the spot we found Heiji earlier. Conan is nowhere to be found, but Kaito is. He was asleep halfway through the back door. Yet to wake up. Apparently he got over-drugged or something??

Remains of KID smoke bombs have been found in two different areas. The first found was next to Kaito. The second had a note and sleeping man nearby. I was shocked when Takagi and Sato carried out Gin in cuffs.

I was even more surprised at the fact he wasn't struggling. He calmly got in the police car, smiling to himself. Gin smiling is never a good thing.

He was also looking at something behind the House of Mirrors, but I couldn't see what.

The police's deductions are :

1. Unknown man (Gin) went into house of mirrors and shot the person, who screamed. Lights happened to go out.

2. Heiji and Conan ran in and somehow got separated. Heiji saw Gin.

3. In a panic of being seen, Gin shot Heiji and left, thinking Heiji died and he was now safe.

4. KID was also in Tropical Land and happened to see Gin shoot Heiji.

5. KID put Gin to sleep around the time my group found Heiji. Reasons are unknown, but they must have known each other before hand, hence, the note.

6. When KID left, he was seen by both Kaito and Conan. KID put Kaito to sleep before Kaito could see his face, but failed to notice Conan.

7. Conan is currently "playing detective" and trying to follow KID to his hideout. Any second now, KID will find out and return him.

My deductions are :

1. Gin and Vodka went in and shot the guy, making sure someone saw and screamed, to draw Conan's attention. They also cut the lights so it would be harder for him to escape.

2. The two didn't expect Heiji tagging along, so Gin sent Vodka to "take care of him". Vodka separated the two then attacked Heiji, leaving Conan alone.

3. Gin corned Conan when Rory showed up and put him to sleep. (Couldn't be Kaito because why would he be knock out with himself with his own smoke bombs?)

4. Kaito must have seen her or something and she put him to sleep as well. Why she would do this, I have no idea apart from it just totally sounds like something she would do for the sake of saying she's done it. And it's fun to use smoke bombs.

5. Rory also kidnapped Conan. If questioned why, she would claim it was to protect him from the BO. However, this is just an excuse to fulfill all her fangirl dreams. I'll bet you anything.

6. Conan isn't coming home any time soon. We need to find Rory first.

There are still holes in both deductions, and our only two witnesses are asleep.

According to Megure, Gin refuses to say anything about himself except admits he did it. Heiji should recover in a little under a week and should wake up tomorrow, while Kaito is unknown. He's not in any danger, just in a deep sleep for a LONG time.

Another thing he pointed out was "KID's" smoke bombs seem to have been overstuffed with sleeping-powers compared to the normal ones in heists. This just added more to the "IT WAS RORY!!" idea I have. I wanted to yell at him so bad!!! Y U NO GET IT?!?! Ugghhhhhhh!!!!

As the inspector continued swapping theories with Mouri, something came to mind. Time to be that helpful kid everyone underestimates!! Yaaaaay!!

I gave his brown coat a small tug. "Umm... Sir?"

"Not now, kid, I busy."

"But Sir..."

He smiled down on me. "Kid, I need to do my job now, ok? Can you please not bug me?" He tried to get back to Maori, who was flashing glares at me. So this is what it feels like to be Conan. I see why he hates it.

"But Sir, wasn't that bad guy involved in some other murder case a few years ago with the Mystery Coaster here?!?!"

Both Megure and Mouri stopped to look at me. What I just said took a second to register in their brains.

"Are you a friend of Conan's? Because you're acting a lot like him."

"Yes, Sir. But I'm not that smart really, it's just that this case reminded me of that one. Thought it might be a help for you to know."

I snuck a look past Megure's shoulder at Mouri. His face said it all. Being already suspicious that I'm Conan's female clone or something, this might mess with his tiny brain a bit.

"Tell me kid, what's your name?"



This time I was the one trying to take a hint. And when I did get it, I realized something I hadn't thought of before. I don't have a last name! Umm...

I began to sweat a little. What do I say?! I want it to seem normalish!! Something realistic!! Something Japanesey!! Uhh...

A distant clock announced it's lunch time.

"Bells. Ellie Bells."

"...Bells... Are you American?"

I sweat dropped. So much for the Japanesey part. Oh well. "Yes, Sir."

"So you know English?"

"Yes, Sir. But isn't this kind of beyond the point? What about the murder case?"

"Oh, right!! Sorry, I just..." He cleared his throat. "Ellie, might I ask how you know about this Mystery Coaster case? It happened quite a while, I doubt you'd remember such a thing."

"Uhh... I was there that day."

"You were? So you saw the case?"

"No, but I was in Tropical Land. It happened around the time my family was leaving. I saw it on the news the next day, and it's just kind of... stuck with me, I guess."

"Makes sense." He turned to some random police officer. "Go ask the culprit on this." The officer nodded, then walked off. He looked at me one last time. "Nice job, Ellie. You must have a really good memory, thinking of that!"

I giggled to myself. It's just the opposite, really.

"Anything else you want to say before I head off for the station?"

"Yes." I creaked a silly grin. I can't help it, I must!! This is the perfect time!! Trying not to die laughing before I even started, I thrust my pointer finger into the air and declared "WITH A SMALL EYE FOR DETAIL - "

"...One truth prevails..." Someone's whisper finished for me. No one noticed it but me, and I instantly knew who it was.

Megure smiled again. "You're cute. Well, see you around!!" He and the remainder of the police drove off.

When the last of them left the parking lot, Mouri tried to give me a scolding about how little kids shouldn't mess with adult business and blah blah I don't care.

Instead, I slowly walked right passed him and sat down on a bench, next to a crying Ran.  


Yay, a long chapter!! Now I don't feel like a jerk for only posting 300 words!! :)

Bye melons!!

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