53 Arguments

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Ellie's POV

We turned another corner. I left everyone else far behind, still scratching their heads. Ahead of me, I could hear the agent's feet screech to a stop. Dead end. She turned to me. "Guess I really can't run anymore, can I?"


She sighed, and put up her hands as a joke. "Fine, you've caught me. What do you want?"

"I want to know why you're here in your black suit and why you've blocked me on every website known to man."

"I told you, don't trust me. I don't want you to get hurt. Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"I don't care!! You're the only one who understands me in this stupid dimension and you know I hate keeping secrets!! I need to be able to talk to someone!! Someone who understands me!!"

My eyes start to water. No! I will not cry!!

"Sophie, now it not the time. Since you're here I might as well warn you. Everyone you want to keep alive needs to get out of here NOW."

"What? Why?"

"Gin found out about the lies. You're yet to be discovered, but Conan and everyone around him is in danger. Speaking of which, why didn't either of you change appearance? Do you two want to die?"

"I was supposed to tell Conan?"




"UGH, THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!!! What's going to happen to him?!"

"That's a dumb question."

"Yes, yes it was. I'll go warn him now."

I turned to run, but Rory placed her hand on my shoulder, stopping me. "No. You can tell everyone but Conan."

"WHAT?! Why?!?!"

"Think of it this way - Conan is the main character, therefore can't die. If you lead him to any exits, Gin has BO members there and he'll get captured. If he did somehow get through, you'll all be followed. Most of the others could possibly "drop out". You don't want to risk any lives, do you? You're best chance is get everyone away while somehow keeping Conan here. He'll be fine, he has his gadgets and I'm here too."

"No. We both go or we both don't. Do you remember a long time ago when we were comparing tons of anime plots? We concluded that although each one is different from all the others, whether it's a big or small change, they all have one thing in common : the point of the show is to make the main character suffer. If they have no problems, then there is no plot, hence no anime for viewers to watch and creators to make money off of. It's true Conan can't die or the show would end, and we know there are at least 600 more episodes plus it's on going, but he can still suffer pain. If I leave him here who knows what might happen. Also, since this is a result from tampering with the plot, I assume you don't..."

"You're right that this isn't an episode so I can't predict it. However you're forgetting I still know a ton of information about the people we're dealing with. He'll be safe with me, don't worry."

"That's actually the thing that worries me most!! You love it when Conan suffers!! When he gets shot or something, you're almost always smiling!!"

"Only because that means plot is happening and you know I love main plot episodes! And it's not like you don't smile too!! Heck with it, you'll sometimes laugh quietly!!!!"

"That was when he was fiction! Unlike you, I care about real people! I'm just scared for him, that's all!!"



We just stared at each other, both at a loss for words. Forever seemed to pass by. It was Rory who broke the silence. "I need to go. Gin is going to give the signal soon, and I need to stop it."


She walked past me. I just stood there, looking down. Both our faces were shadowed over.

"One more thing."

She didn't stop.

"Why did you join the BO?"

Now she did. Another long pause. She looked back at me.

"I'll tell you one day, but now isn't the time."

Rory started walking again, but before she made it out of the alleyway, Kaito stepped out from the shadows. Wait, When did he get there?! How much did he hear?!?!

I could feel Rory's tension alongside mine, as Kaito smirked from under his hat's brim.

He stopped in front of us. "Sooooo... What're you love birds talking about?"

Not one, not two, but three red anger thingies where on Rory in a second. "What did you just say??" She asked rather calmly. Too calmly. Kaito, your death sentence has been given. If you don't run now, prepare to rest in peace.

Or should I say "pieces"?

The Test Subject : A Detective Conan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now