34 My Daily Routine

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Ellie's POV

Conan eventually went home with the other detective boys, and I was left alone. For a long time I pondered at my desk. Zi zi rubbed against my legs. Why was I so mean to them? Should I show him the files? Should I keep the files? What was I thinking when I typed them up in the first place? How do I explain them to the detective boys without giving away the truth about anyone? What if this wasn't the first time someone saw them?

In the end, I came up with a decent realistic lie to tell the kids and how to explain to Conan what the files where about. I also stayed true to my word.

Around midnight, I forced myself out of bed, and walked the 10 minutes over to the dump, bringing the files on my wagon. I took out all the pictures of my favorite characters - those didn't really give anything away, and were harmless enough to keep - while stacking everything else in an empty area that had nothing else flammable near by.

I struck a single match to burn the evidence, then trudged back home and fell asleep.




I yawned. I yawn a lot. No one was in the park yet, all was quiet except a few stray birds. I let Zi zi lose for a bit.

He is actually decent at hunting. For the past few days, he's been catching his own meals which I don't really like because I feel bad for the birds and mice, but it's all part of the food chain and it saves me money, so as long as no one sees the animal die, I let him do his thing. Plus it keeps him in shape.

Today, I felt the impression to bring him with me instead of leaving his cooped up in the house like I normally do. Once he was snug in my hood, we set off.

I have been in this word for almost two months, and have started a routine going. When I wake up, I let Zi zi hunt for a bit and then normally leave him alone in the house while I go do errands.

First on my list is the gas station. I go there for almost every meal. Me and the guy behind the counter, Jaden, have actually become good friends. Sometimes when I'm not in a hurry, we'll talk about video games. He's a huge gamer and has introduced me to a few cool ones that I'll play to pass time. Today I wasn't feeling it though, so I had pancakes at the cafe across the street. Expensive, but worth it.

After that, I take my wagon and just wander around town. If I find something cheap that I like, I'll buy it. Other wise, I mostly do this to watch people. I'll sit behind a newspaper for hours, just watching and listening to my music. I study people, trying to mimic their life styles. Life in Japan is different from America, and to make it more confusing I'm not even it Japan, I'm in an amine world based off Japan. So I need to learn not only Japanese customs, but anime logic also. I struggle the most with reading Japanese. Maybe I should ask Conan when that homeschooling is going to start...

When I'm done, I'll return to the park. I stay mostly out of sight from people passing by. To pass time I might play video games or browse my world's internet. I sometimes take a nap or maybe will sit at my desk for hours, trying to figure things out about how I got here and why. When I concluded the weird book in my purse was probably one of Akako's spell books, I studied that, trying to find how to open a portal for home. Apparently I'm not "magical enough" to use most of the spells. I wanted to ask Akako to teach me, but figured she would want to know why I have that.

I used to keep tabs on the main characters before I burned their files. This was to organize my thoughts and remind me who I've met, and what they've told me about themselves. By doing this, I wouldn't freak anyone out by "knowing too much".

After dinner, I would let Zi zi lose one last time before bed. When I was positive the park was empty, I would slip my ipod out from it's hiding place and watch anime late into the night.

Finally, I would hide it again, and watch the stars until sleep carried me away. Often times my last thought would be about Rory.

I don't know why I would think about her so much. Maybe it was because I felt I was here because of her, like I had her to thank for this amazing gift of a visit to Conan's world. I felt bad that I couldn't share this with her.

The next morning, I would wake up and do it all again.

Today, I go about my business doing my normal wandering around, and watching. However, I feel different. I'm not watching as closely as I normally do. I can't stop thinking about yesterday. About Conan. And how I broke his watch.

Turns out that when we fell out of the tree, it hit the ground too hard and the tranquilizer is now jammed. Just hope he doesn't need it to get him out of life or death situations any time soon... oops...

On my normal route, I stop Mouri's detective agency and sit in one of the booths in the cafe below. This time I skip it all together. Instead, I stop by at a pet shop. Zi zi started clawing the curtains lately, so I've been trying to find him a scratching post. No cheep ones yet.

I also make a stop at the music store. I've been considering taking up piano lessons again, but need a keyboard to do so. You can keep dreaming Sophie, but you know it's never going to happen. They'll always be past your budget.

Done with my "shopping", I wheel back to the park. I look up at clock tower. Almost noon. Time for lunch. I grin at the thought of seeing Jaden. He's a nice guy and I love our little chats.

The bell rings as I walk into the gas station. I look up at the counter, and don't see him. Could he be organizing things in the back? I pick out a hot dog and smoothie and sit down to wait for him to come back so I can buy.

10 minutes pass. I eat lunch, promising to be honest and pay later. This isn't like him... why would Jaden not be at work? He was here this morning. Did some family emergency come up? No, then a different person would be working now.

I debate my options. Go home and forget about it, hoping he will be here for dinner. Venture into the back and see if he's ok.

I peek through the doorway. A ton of boxes are knocked over, a few open with the storage spread across the floor. Jaden is a neat-freak. He would never let this happen. I move a few boxes around. No one is here. Something squeaks behind me. The back door is open.

A trashcan lid is on the ground next to a bag of trash that never made it to the bin. The bin itself is empty. Was he taking out the trash? Why would he just leave like this?

I pick up the heavy bag to throw it away for him, but there is a huge cut in the bottom spilling the garbage everywhere. Jaden disappeared... the place is a mess... I already know it's true, but refuse to accept it.

He was a background character. No one cares if he's gone. It was for the sake of the plot. Please, no. But why? What did he witness that drove someone to this? Said person was obviously looking for something. Did they find it? What even is it?

I am no detective. But at least I know one. I run top speed to the agency.

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