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Ellie's POV


"Kaito, keep Rory out of this. That was all me. She had nothing to do with it."

"Oh, but 'Rosie' sounds like a cute love child!! ROry + Sophie/ellIE = ROSIE!! Adorable, is it not??" He argued in a sing-song voice while making kissy faces.

Before either of us could continue, Rory had him pinned on the ground. How she did it so fast, I will never figure out. "Sophie..."


"Bring me my bag. It's by the wall, over there." She didn't take her eyes off her new victim, as she nodded her head in the direction of a black bag. Hadn't noticed it before... and I don't think I want to know what's in it... But I don't want to die with him, so I obeyed.

Rory's smile widened as she reached inside with one hand, still holding a terrified and struggling magician down with the other. She slowly pulled out something I couldn't see, but I didn't need to. Kaito's face told me everything I needed to know as he sunk deeper into his coat's collar.

"Never leave home without it. Nice to be prepared, isn't it?" Rory hissed.

"P-p-please d-don't...." Kaito looked like he was about to faint as she proceeded to lay the huge fish across his chest. I'll give him bonus points for not screaming though.

Rory wasn't done yet. "To be honest, I didn't think I was going to use all these..." She pulled out another and lay it next to the first one. "Glad I brought them!!" She chuckled as a third and fourth now flopped into line.

"How many did you bring?!"

"This doesn't concern you, Sophie."

"Sorry." I sat down to watch. This is going to take a while...




Ten fish. TEN. FISH. Only Rory would carry ten fish with her. Only Rory.

Each one lay in a row across Kaito's belly, in order from biggest to smallest. The biggest one was on his chest, staring into his soul. Of course. Rory wasn't even holding him down anymore. He just sat there. Paralyzed by fear. Staring at the fishies.

Satisfied, she stood up and looked over at me, still criss-cross on the ground watching helplessly. "Remember. Tell everyone but Conan. It'll sort out, I promise." And she was gone.

I looked at Kaito. A pool of sweat was around him. "H-help. M-m-me...." I walked over and removed the fish. He didn't move. I put them in a trash can. He didn't move. I rolled the trash can to the opposite side of the alleyway. He didn't move.

I shook my head disapprovingly. "They're gone, you can get up now."


"They're just fish! What is wrong with you??"


"I've always wondered why you're scared of them though... mind telling?"


I waved my hand in his face. "Helloooooooooooo??"

"Is she always like that?"


He finally stood up, shaking. What a weirdo. But I guess that's why I like him, so why am I judging?

"Umm... sorry I yelled about you and Aoko kissing..."


"I'm... going to go now..."

"...ok. Sorry I called you gay. Tell your friend I said sorry, ok?"

"Ok. And sorry you had to go through with that. I... uhh... bye."




I began walking away when I stopped again.

"Kaito... how much did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Our chat. Me and Rory. Did you hear us?"





"Am I also fictional?"

So he did hear. He knows. Do I tell him the truth? What the heck, there's no point in hiding it if he knows. Someone was bound to find out soon anyways. I just thought Conan would be first.

"I... umm... yes."

"If this is an 'anime' then what is your world?"

"...Real life. That's how we know about you and the others. We and tons of other people watch your show on TV. Can you... not tell anyone else about this?? I just don't want anyone to freak out about it."


"Umm... I should also warn you. Rory is more creepy to you then you think. She kind-of-ish knows the future. I... just beware of that."

"Do you?"



"Anything else?"

"...Is she truly your friend?"

The question caught me off guard. Is she? Are we? "I... I hope so... I like to think so..."

He saw the worry on my face. "Sorry if that was too personal. I was just wondering. Umm... you can go now if you want."

I turned to leave again, but then an idea struck me. A very devilish idea. Rory would kill me if I put this into action, but I do pity Kaito after all that... I'm so going to die if this goes wrong. "One last thing. Come here, it's a secret."

He bent down and I whispered it to him.

His smirk came back. "Thanks for telling me that."

"If she asked about it, don't say anything about my part in this."

"Don't worry, I wouldn't want to kill my information well."

He walked away with a poker face. I followed him out.

I think I just triggered a prank wars... Just hold this off until this BO mess is cleared up, please?


Anyone who makes this "Rosie" love child a thing I am killing. It was my brother's idea. *holds up brother's bloody remains* Let this be your warning.

Also, I am sorry Kaito! I am so so so so (not) sorry!!  XD

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