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Sophie's POV

The pain finally stopped once I reached my destination. Akako had told me to meet her near the high school. I know she is the enemy, but seriously, what can I do? I sat down against a stop sign on the corner and waited.

Akako showed up shortly after. She was wearing her school uniform, and had a few books in her hands. Spell books disguised as text books, no doubt.  "We are going home now."

"Ok..." I wiped the last of my tears off my cheek, and followed. We walked in silence most of the way.

 "I'm sorry, Sophie. I shouldn't have lost my temper like that. It was wrong of me to cause you pain."


"Do you mind telling me what KID told you? Whatever it is, it seems to be bugging you." Your not fooling me, Akako. I know you already know. How could you not, being a mind reader and all?

"...he didn't say anything important you need to know."

"Ok... I just wouldn't like rumors about me spreading." KID wouldn't lie to me!! Would he? We did just meet, but... No. I believe him.

"Akako, why wasn't your magic working?"

"I don't know. Best bet it the BO could have another witch on their side, and they could have detected then blocked my magic." Another witch? Wouldn't the Anime tell the viewers if that was the case?

"Do you know any other witches? Because I don't."


The doors to the spooky house opened as her minion, Tesaki, greeted us. "Hello mistresses! Welcome back! Did all go well?" I never really liked him... A chill was sent down my back as he smiled up at me.

"I've told you before, you don't have to call me 'mistress'. 'Sophie' is just fine..."

"Yes, mistress." I sweat dropped. He will never get it through his thick head.

"Sophie. Just. Sophie."

"Yes, mistress."

"Are you done yet?" Akako asked from the kitchen. "Tesaki! Go get the breakfast!"

With a last "Yes, mistress" he waddled off to grab our trays. I went and sat across the table from Akako. The food came. We ate.

I felt slightly better after that. I hate skipping meals, and running around all night didn't help that.

Tesaki cleared my dishes, and I stumbled upstairs to take a nice long nap. Thank pickles it's Saturday. Head hit pillow, and sleep became heavy. I sighed in relief, forgetting everything for now. Key words - for now.




I stretched and yawned. That felt good! I smiled to myself, as I rubbed my eyes. I feel refreshed. Awake. Alive. I looked at the clock. Just past noon. I walked over to the bedroom door. Wait... why...?

Why is my door locked? It all came back. Akako. KID. Last night.

"AKAKO?! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" I yelled into the door. "AKAKO, WHY DID YOU LOCK ME IN?!"

"Mistress is not in the house now. She has instructed me to not open this door under any circumstances whatsoever until she gets home. Is there anything I can get for you, mistress?" Tesaki's voice called through the door.

"Do you know when she'll get back, where did she go, and why she locked me up?"

"No, no, no."

"I'll be fine." I hope. "You can go."

"Yes, mistress. Just ask me for anything you need."

Alone again. I walked to my bed and flopped into the soft mattress. It could be worse... I'm locked in my room, but it's not a torcher chamber or something at least. I reached for my purse and pulled out my brother's ipod. Or at least, I would have, had it not been for Akako. She had taken it in my sleep!! I wasn't going to call anyone!! Just play games!!


"No. Mistresses's orders."

I hate you both.

Instead, I pulled out a pad of paper and pen. Drawing will get my mind off of things...




I heard the front doors open and close. Pressing my ear to the door, I listened in on the witch. It was muffled, but I could barely make it out.

"Did you keep her in her room?"

"Yes, mistress."

"Good. I have a guest who is coming over soon, so make sure she stays in there until she has left. I don't want any... interruptions, in this meeting."

"Yes, mistress. Shall I prepare anything before your guest comes?"

"Nothing is necessary. Do not let Sophie know I am home, and DO NOT let her find out who my guest is. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mistress."

I did the first thing that came to mind - scribbled a note down, folded it up, and went to the window. If this "guest" is who I think it is, all I can do is hope.


Dear person,

I need help!!! Not a lot of room to explain, but I'm locked up in a room at someone's house who I thought was my friend. I just heard her say someone is coming to visit and if it's who I think it is, both our lives are in danger! The house is a few miles into a forest by a park at the edge of the city. Sorry I'm not a lot of help. Please come quickly if you can!!

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