35 Asking For Help

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Ellie's POV

Everyone who loves Detective Conan will eventually become bloodthirsty for the next victim to drop, for the plot to continue. I am no different. I get excited when I hear the shriek, just like everyone else. But it's always ok. It's fake. No real harm happened to any real people. No one really cared about that character anyways. This is different. This was a person I knew. They were real. They were alive. I am not bloodthirsty this time. This has happened.

I stop for a breath at the door. What do I tell them? I can't just walk in and say "Hey, Conan! Someone was kidnapped, and maybe even died! Follow me!!" How do I introduce myself to Ran and Mouri? I wish I payed more attention in drama class - being on the spot is hard for me. SOPHIE YOU DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS. Don't think of it as a play, think of it as a test. You're good with winging those without even cramp studying!

I walk up the steps and force a knock. Put the mask on. Let's go.

It's Ran who answers the door. "Oh, hello! Are you a friend of Conan's?"

"Uhh, not really... I was hoping to see Mouri?"

"Really? Well, come in!" She moved out of the doorway. I walked in and sat on the couch, looking at everything, almost forgetting my reason here. I am in the Mouri Detective Agency. This. Is. AMAZING!! I kept my excitement to myself.

"My dad will be here soon. So, did your pet run away or something?" Ran asked, sitting across from me. She is not taking this seriously at all. Then again, I'm 8, why should she?

"How soon is 'soon'? I need to see him quickly!" I want to ask where Conan is. Half of me hope to see him so he can help with the case, the other half hopes he won't show up because I still feel bad for breaking his tranquilizer and I don't want to face him yet.

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me about it first? I don't even know your name yet."

I sighed. This is getting me nowhere. But I don't have much of a choice, do I? "Ok. My name is Ellie. Every day I'll go to a gas station for lunch because my friend works there. His name is Jaden. We always eat together. Today, I went there and the building was empty. So I waited. But he didn't come. So I thought he could be in the back doing work. I looked and didn't see him. The place was a huge mess too, and I don't think he would ever make a mess like that. He really likes things to be clean. So I looked in the back and saw the trash on the ground. He still wasn't there. I think he was taking out the trash when someone kidnapped him! So I came here, hoping to get the great detective to save him!!"

Ran gave me a look that said it all. She doubted he was kidnapped, and thought it was just my imagination running wild. "You don't believe me, do you?" I crossed my arms and pretended to pout. "No one ever believes the little kid! Jaden could be in serious danger!!"

Ran gave one of her kindest smiles. "No, no, I believe you!" She totally doesn't.

"I believe you too!" exclaimed a sudden childish voice behind me. I jumped a bit.

"Conan!! Don't scare me like that!!" The boy grinned at me from behind the couch. He looked kind of evil and creepy with that grin...

"So you do know each other? But I thought you said you weren't friends, Ellie."

"Just because you know someone doesn't mean you on best terms with them."

Conan gave me a look saying something along the lines of 'I still don't forgive you for breaking my stuff with no good reason, but I'll help you with your friend's case.'

I smiled back innocently. I don't know what you're talking about, when did I break anything of yours? But thanks for helping me anyways.

Just then, Mouri walked in. Drunk. Of course.

"Dad! What have I told you about not drinking so much?!"" Ran scolded him, as he sat into his desk's chair.

"When did Conan clone, Pumpkin?" He hiccuped. Me and Conan sweat dropped. He only calls her 'Pumpkin' when it's REALLY bad. And to think I look like Conan... He needs to rest.

While Ran continued her lecture with him, I sneaked over to the door and opened it just enough to wiggle through. "Psst! Conan!"

He looked over at me, got what I was saying, and followed. We started walking the the crime scene.

"Was what you told us the truth?"

"Yes, and I really do think he was kidnapped. However, I don't know who would kidnap him or why. Also, judging by the state of the back room, I would say whoever did it was looking for something."


"Why would I know?! You're the genius!!"

"But you know him better."

I thought hard. Nothing he owned seem to be of any value for a thief or someone. I peeked at Conan again. His eyes were distant. He was remembering something.

"What are you thinking about?" He snapped back to attention.

"Nothing important."

"Well, ok." I opened the door to the gas station. The bell rang. "This is the place." We walked to the back. Still empty.

Conan searched the area for clues, just as I did before. The whole time, I sat in the doorway and watched. It was cool seeing Conan work up close and in person. Everyone in a while, he would stop for a second and think about something. Whatever this something was, it's bugging him. When he was done with the search, He returned to me and we sat in silence for a long time.

"Any ideas?"

"No." This isn't normal. He always has at least a lead - if not a theory - by now. Is this case really that hard or is he hiding the answer from me?

"Thanks for trying." I want to ask him, demand to know what he knows. But I don't. Something is holding me back.

He gives me an apologetic smile, then exits the door. "I'll look more into it at home. See you later."

"Ok. Bye." What is holding me back?

I walk up to the counter, pay for the lunch I had hours ago, and leave. Please be safe, Jaden!!

The Test Subject : A Detective Conan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now