95 Communication Problems

139 4 7

Ellie's POV

"You're dead! I saw you die!! So then how are you...? And I'm......?? How did you survive that explosion?! There's no way you could have!! And even if you did, wouldn't the BO have come back?! I mean, I thought Gin and Vodka died to!! Wait... if you're alive... are they alive too?! HAVE THESE PAST FEW MONTHS OF MY LIFE ALL BEEN A LIE?!?!?! WHAT THE FREAK IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

I start to laugh, quietly at first, but growing loud quickly. "Haha... N-no, no no no no...... th-they're dead, surely they are... And so are you, y-you're dead too. No, this is all just a dream. A-any m-m-minute now, I'll wake up, b-back in the orphanage... like none of th-this ever happened........ r-right??"

Rory suddenly jolts me back to reality - if this even is it - by resting a hand on my back. I pull away fast, stumbling to my feet on the way. Looking at her calm composure, the way she'd just sitting there like all this is normal and everything is going to be ok somehow??

I don't know why, but it scares me.

No, it terrifies me.

I don't mean to, but I'm shaking like a leaf now. I can't help but want to curl up and just... not be here anymore. Please, anywhere but here.

"You... you're not real. I did not just feel your hand on my back. That didn't happen."

Rory - NO. That's not Rory - says something, reminding me neither of us can understand the other.

Sighing, she looks runs her hand through her hair, thinking of what to do next. It's not long until she has an idea.

First she uses hand gestures, like I did earlier. One hand is flat, palm up. The other looks like it's grasping a pencil. She moves that one back and forth against the flat one, like she's scribbling something down.

"What're are...? Umm... Paper and pen? Are you writing? I don't know enough Japanese to write back and forth." I hate charades. How do we even know if I got it right? "Writing... paper... sketch... sketch! Drawing! We can draw pictures! ...neither of us have paper or pencils." I inwardly facepalm for leaving my notebook at the orphanage. Typical.

This is getting us nowhere.

You know what? I'm not dealing with this. I just can't. I need my translators.

....Haibara knows english.

Haibara could translate for us!!

I rapidly shake my head, trying to signal I have another idea.

Stepping out from under the street light, I wave for her to follow. This'll work. It has to work!

She looks hesitant.

I give a questioning look. "...Do they still think you're dead too?" Oh wait. Why am I talking again? Stupid head, we already established that doesn't work.

I ask her to follow again, now standing by Agasa's front gate. I know she knows what I'm thinking. Why doesn't she agree?

Rory's shaking her head now.

"No? What do you mean 'no'?! This'll be more helpful than anything else we come up with! Please, I need answers right now! Besides, my translators are-" This time I really do facepalm.

This isn't working, Sophie! Stop talking!!

Maybe if I show the translators, it'll help? I don't know anymore.

Digging their remains out of my pants pocket, I hold some of the pieces up so she can see. "See? We have to use Haibara."

Rory says something. She looks just as frustrated as I feel. At least she's finally walking towards the house.

"Come on, it won't that bad. we'll both be able to figure out what's goin-"

Suddenly, Rory picks me up and swings me over her shoulder. "HEY!! WHAT'RE YOU DOING?! PUT ME DOWN!!" She's walking away from the house now.


She's ignoring my gibberish.

At a loss of what to do now, I start kicking her. "BAKA, BAKA, BAKA!!"

It doesn't do anything. Ugh, why am I wasting my energy? I already knew it wouldn't work. She's too strong for this stupid 8-year-old body of mine. Sighing, I give in. It's not like I have any other options. "Fine. Whatever. See if I care. Jerk."

Even though I can't see her face, I know she's smirking at me. I just know it.


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