67 Red Magic

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Sorry melons for not updating in forever. I'll try better. Also, I have completely crashed Akako's personally. Oops.... :P


Ellie's POV

"Please, have a seat, mistress." Akako's demonic butler offered me, motioning to a sofa.

"Thank you, but you don't have to call me mistress."

"Yes, mistress."

I frowned. Kaito giggled. The butler pulled up another chair for the thief. "So when can we see Akako?"

"I'm not sure, the mistress is currently occupied. Can I get you something to drink?"

"No thanks. You want anything, Ellie?"

"Nope, I'm good."

"Very well." And he was gone. I wonder what he does in his free time... probably don't want to know. I looked at Kaito.

"So..... umm..... Who's doing the talking here?"


"What?! You know Akako better than me!!"

"You lived with her for several months."

I rolled my eyes. "She erased those memories, remember?"

"I know, I know."

We both looked away. There isn't much to talk about. "Do you know why?"

"Why what?"

"Why she erased my memories."

"And how would I know that?"

I sighed. "Worth a shot."

"Hello." Me and Kaito jumped.

"Akako!! When did you get here?!" I asked the witch standing in the doorway.

"This is my house."

I sweat dropped. "That's not exactly what I meant..."

Akako rolled her eyes and took a seat across from me and Kaito. "So, Tesaki says you want to talk with me?"

"Who's that?"

She gave me a 'are you that stupid?' Look. "My butler."

"Well sorry you erased my memories!! Maybe if I still had them, I'd remember!!"

She sighed and looked at Kaito. "Get to the point."

I could see he was slightly sweating. "Yes, umm, we were wondering - "

"YOU were wondering." I corrected him. He glared at me.

"Fine, I was wondering if you knew where Rory lives."

"Rory? You mean Scorpion?"

"Sure, whatever, do you know?"

"I can't tell you that."

"So that's a yes?" I pushed for an answer.

She glared at me again. We must have come at a really bad time... "Why do you want to know?"

"I don't. He does." I pointed at Kaito who sank deeper into his seat. Despite his attempts to hide it, we all know he's scared of Akako.

"Don't kid with me, Sophie. I know you're interested as well. Why else would you be here?"

"Well... I guess that's true..."

"So why do you care?"

I just stared at her. I don't know... why do I want to know this badly? Is it truly just because people should know where their friends live like I told Kaito? No... That's not it... now that I think of it, this is kind of like stalking Rory... maybe I should stop while I'm still safe.

Akako's voice brought me back to reality. "No more day dreaming. Is there any other reasons you came here?"

"Not really."

"Well then, I suppose you both take your exit." She snapped her fingers and the front doors opened, our chairs scooting towards the great outdoors.

"No!! Wait!!" Kaito jumped up and ran to Akako again. "You didn't answer me yet!! I'm not leaving without an answer!!"

"Yes, you are." She growled, eyes starting to flash red. I've never seen Akako like this!! What is going on?!?!

Kaito didn't move. He just stood in front of her, glaring back. A staring contest.

The room is suddenly really hot. The walls are slightly glowing red. A magic circle is forming on the ground. Several small objects in the room begin to float, followed by larger ones. Ravens are appearing out of thin air. Whatever is happening, it's really really bad for us.

Kaito stands his ground. In fact, he takes a step closer to the witch. Akako's eyes glow brighter, and the room becomes hotter. "Go away. I don't have time for this!!"

"Then just give me the answer." Kaito himself begins to glow red, and his knees begin to shake unwillingly.

This deeply reminds me of the Valentine special in Magic Kaito. Only this time, we're inside.

Snow can't save him.

"KAITO!! PLEASE!! LET'S GO, I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT!!" I scream from the open doorway, helpless.

Kaito ignores me, now kneeling and shaking from Akako's magic. I can't imagine the pain he must be feeling now.

"I can save you from this pain."


"If you agree to leave RIGHT NOW."


"You don't understand what I'm going through. I don't want anything else to do with them!!"


"Do you even understand what I went through to save you? It was painful to watch, but I did it. And now... I don't want to do it again!!"

"Do what?" Akako looks up from the suffering magician to look at me.

"What did you say?"

"I said, do what?! What did you do?!"

She looked away. "Nothing concerning you." The strong feeling that this had everything to do with me overwhelms me, but I don't push her for an answer. The situation is already worse than it should be.

"Fine. But how about you answer this question? If whatever you did was for the sake of saving Kaito, then why are you hurting him now?" I gather the courage to step inside the house once more. When I do, the front doors trap me inside. The heat is much worse than it was right outside the door way.

Akako's magic also starts to kicks in. Whatever she's doing to Kaito, is now happening to me. A huge pain rushes to my head, and begins pushing down on me like super heavy gravity or something. It becomes a ton harder to breathe. Something similar to the force, I guess?

I want to just give in, to fall down and just lay there. This force... whatever it is, it's strong!!

But I don't give up. I keep walking. Hunchbacked, but walking. "Akako..."

"Both of you need to leave!! NOW!!"

"Not without an answer." I almost whisper. The lack of air makes it harder to speak clearly.

Akako flashes her eyes brighter. The magic strengthens. More things begin to levitate, more ravens appear, and me and Kaito suffer more pain. It hurts so bad!! My eyes are watering up, but I continue.

"Akako, please. Can we at least do this like civilized people? Make a deal or something?" I look at her with pleading eyes.

Her grip weakens. "What kind of deal?"

"If you lift this spell first, I'm sure we could come to an agreement on something."

The witch considers it for a moment. "Fine." Everything goes back to normal in an instent. Things rain from the ceiling, all the birds disappear, and magic circle fades, a rush of cold air fills me and Kaito's lungs. We both gasp in relief.

I hate red magic.

"So." Akako crosses her legs and puts her hands in her lap, looking down on me with a threatening smirk. "What kind of deal did you have in mind?"

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