70 What's in the safe

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So I wrote a supper duper extremely long chapter that went on and on and on forever. 6000 words... OuO So I looked at this and thought "maybe I could cut this tragic mess into bits, and then post daily for a bit again?" So that's what I'm doing. I got about a weeks worth out of it, and my motivation is back, so... enjoy.


Conan's POV








We just stared at each other, both at a loss of words. The only sound was our synchronized quiet panting from yelling so loud. Frustrated, I flopped belly-down over Rory's bed and stared at my hands, just dangling limply over the edge.

Rory backed up against the wall and slid down until she was sitting on the floor. She looked down at her gun, holding it firmly with both hands, and muttered meaningless insults at it. When that didn't satisfy, she muttered some more at herself for being a "cursed glitch in Akako's system".

I opened my mouth to ask her what she meant, only to discover I've gone horse. Brilliant, just brilliant. Things can't get much worse.

I look over at Vodka's now dead body, lying on top of Gin's.

Single shot through the heart.

She has a really good aim.

The red pool beneath them has grown bigger. I wonder how much bigger it will get by the time we leave? I hope it doesn't grow, but hey, I'm a death magnet. What's a kid to do?

I look over at Rory, who has tossed the gun aside and rested her head in her hands. She's stopped panting. I wonder if she's crying. I bet she is. I bet if I asked her if I'm right she'd deny it. At least she's not sobbing. If she was, I'd be able to hear it. But I don't. I don't hear anything.


I attempt talking despite my scratchy voice. "So... what now?"

"I... I don't know."

"Do you think Vodka called back up before he came in?"


I looked out the window. "Why don't we just run? They're nowhere near us. There's no reason to stay here. We've got time."

"... Do you really feel like going anywhere?"

"So you just want to sit here and wait for fate to happen?"

"... sure. I don't care anymore. Besides, no matter what happens, you can't die. You're the main character." She looked over at the two bodies. "Then again, I didn't think they could either. Maybe you will die. Who knows anymore?"

We sat in silence some more. She has a point, I don't really feel like doing anywhere. I'm just tired. I want a nap. Not this. Anything but this. But what's done is done. Now we'll have to face the consequences.

"So... this is it then. This is how we die."

"Oh, don't let me stop you. You can go. I'll even draw you a map to the city, if you want. I'm just not coming with you."

I could hear the sounds of 2 or 3 cars parking outside through the window. Rory got up and went over, looked out to see who'd come, which was kind of pointless really. Who else would be there? "They're here."

"Thank you, captain obvious."

"Don't get sassy with me. I'm not in the mood."

"I can act however I want. What difference would it make anyways?"


I waited to hear the door bellow us bang open and the BO members to flood in through the door. But it didn't happen. "What're they doing?"

"Not sure. Best guess is they're trying to burn us out. That's the most gasoline I've ever see in my life."

"What?! But for all they know Gin and Vodka are alive up here and just finished shooting us to death!! Why would they take that chance?!"

"Remember when you smashed Gin's walkie-talkie?"


"Now would be your last chance to get out. They've lit the match... I think. It's kind of hard to see."

I sighed, and walked over to the window, standing next to her. She lifted me up so I could see outside, and together we watched as the small match fell to the ground and the gas burst into flames seconds after.

We watched as the entire lobby was burned to a crisp, and the flames slowly climbed to the first floor.

Why aren't I scared? I just feel so... accepting. Like I don't care.

Rory set me down again, and walked over to the small hidden area I was in earlier. She unlocked the final one, the fingerprints I had failed to get past. Curiously, I hopped onto the bed to see over her shoulder.

She pulled an object out of the safe. The thing that she had protected with her life, that I had risked mine to find out what is was, that caused Gin and Vodka death and us to burn alive in this cursed building was...

A phone.

I just stared at Rory. You'd think I'd be mad, but I'm not. Honestly, I don't feel anything right now. I've become numb. I'm not angry with Rory, I'm not scared of the BO or the fire, I'm not sad that I probably won't live through this...

"Why were you protecting that so heavily? From who?"

"From him." She nudged Gin's head with her shoe. "I understand if you're mad, if you want to scream at me because it's just a phone. But it's not. It's a phone from my world. On it I have downloaded almost everything about this world, past, present and future."


We sat in silence, as she turned it on and flipped through about a million files. It was true. I could look up anything and it'd be there. If she'd let me hold it, that is. But no, even now she refused to give it to me.

"So... why did you bring it out? Calling for help?"

"No. I may get service, but it can't connect to anyone in this world, and no one from my world would be able to come. It'd be pointless trying. I brought it out because a fire may be able to damage this, but it won't completely destroy it. I want to make sure that is anyone was to dig through our ashes, that the BO can't use it for knowledge. So I'm going to destroy it now, while I still can."

"How're you going to do that?"

We both looked at the bedroom's door. The room has grown really hot by now, meaning that there must be fire outside it, trying to break in. Parts of the ceiling and walls are starting to show signs of caving in. It won't be long until we're burning, and trying to exit would only speed up the process.

Rory looked out the window once more. "I could do what you did." And without hesitating, she threw it as hard as she could at the ground two stories below us.

But it didn't smash.

"OW!! Why are you throwing stuff out the window?! Trying to give me a concussion?!?!"

Shocked, I ran over to Rory who was already looking down. "Pick me up!! I want to see too!!" She did, and I leaned over the edge to see Ellie, rubbing her head where the phone hit her.

"Sorry! I didn't see you there!!" Rory called down, blushing a bit.

"Suuuuure you did..." She glared at us, annoyed.

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