78 Agasa's House

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Conan's POV

It's been two days.


I wonder if Ellie's still mad at me.


I lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to clear my mind. So much has happened in the past two days... It's too much.

"Conan! Lunch time!" I hear Ran yell.

Sighing, I flop out of bed and go join her in the living room. A tray of sandwiches and drinks are set on the coffee table and the chef is scolding her dad for being such a drunk slob or something.

I jump onto the couch, take a sandwich, and begin chewing. Ran gives up with Mouri and comes to sit across from me, doing the same.

We eat in silence, unless you count the sleeping sleuth's snoring. How'd he fall asleep that fast anyways? Meh.

"So... Conan... your friends came over earlier today."

"They did?"

"Yeah. Said they wanted you to come with them to Agasa's place. I told them you wanted some alone time, but would join them as soon as you could."

I inwardly moaned. I really don't want to do much today, but I guess those plans are shattered now. "Sure, I'll drop by later."

Ran smiled. "Great! It'll be good for you to get some fresh air."

I rolled my eyes, taking some orange juice off the tray. Whatever.


Ayumi's POV

"Conan's taking his time as always, I see." Mitsuhiko complained.

I looked over at him. "What'd you expect, he's almost always late to Agasa's."

"Well if he doesn't get here soon, I won't be able to see him! Didn't I tell you that I have to go home at 6? That's in, what, half an hour?!"

"Oh, stop you're complaining, Mitsuhiko!" Genta called from the couch. "He'll be here, I know it!"

The boy put his head on the kitchen counter again, grumbling to himself. I sighed and got up from my stool, walking over to Haibara, who was sitting next to Genta reading.

"What're you reading, Haibara?"

She flipped a few pages, and finally closed it. "Nothing that would interest you."

"Tell me anyway. Maybe I'll surprise you."

"It's English."

"Will you to be quiet? I'm trying to watch my show!" Genta declared, turning up the volume.

Suddenly, a knock echoed through the house.

"Conan's here!!" The two boys declared, running to answer the door.

Haibara chuckled to herself and said something about how childish the boys are. Well, we are kids, so... I decided to ignore the strange comment.

"Guys, calm down! It's just me." I heard Conan say from the other room.

Haibara returned to her book as they sat down on the floor. Genta switched his show to a soccer game as Conan requested (it was only a rerun anyways) and we all settled in for the match.

Well, the boys did. I was only half paying attention.

"Hey, guys?"

Nobody moved.

"Where's Agasa? We haven't seen him since we got here."


"I mean, shouldn't we have heard something explode by now?"

I waited once more for a response.

"Are you listening to me?!?!"

"Sorry, what?" Mitsuhiko asked, not looking up.

"Agasa! Where is he?!"

"Don't know. The lab?" Genta answered.

Haibara confirmed that for him. "That's right. Ellie came over earlier and - "

"What?! Ellie was here?!" Conan shouted, jolting back to reality. "Why didn't you tell me immediately?!"

I looked at him confused. "Why? What happened?"

Haibara sorted. "Nothing, don't worry about it. Conan, it wasn't anything big. She just wanted Agasa to upgrade her..." She stopped, as if only now to realize all eyes were on her.

"...Her what?" Mitsuhiko urged.

Instead of answering, she turned back to her book.

"Oh, come on!" Genta pushed. "You never tell us anything! What's the thing Ellie has?" He glanced at Conan. "You know? You always know! Why do you two have so many secrets?!"

Conan shook his head no, and for once, it looked legit.

"Haiiiibaaaaraaaaaaaaaaa!! Teeeell meeeeeeeeee!!" Genta pleaded.


"Did Agasa make it for her? What does it do??"

Conan's face suddenly lit up in understanding, only to be bombarded with questions seconds after.

"Ellie got one of our detective badges from Agasa. It must have broken or something, so she asked him to fix it."

"Oooooooooh... Haibara, why didn't you just say so? Now we can call Ellie too!" Genta happily exclaimed. She rolled her eyes.

I have a feeling that's not it, but knowing these two, there's no way they'll ever give any other answer.

I could tell Mitsuhiko felt the same, but seeing how he shrugged it off, I guess I will too. Oh well.

"Hey, Conan! Where're you going?" I asked.

"To see Agasa. You stay here and watch the game, it's nothing important."

"No, I wanna come! That's what you always say but it's never true!!"

"No. You're staying here."

I huffed to myself, but let him go alone. Whatever it is, it's obviously "nothing". And what happened to Ellie? What's the "thing" that she has? All I can be sure of is that if Conan doesn't want me to know, it'll be next to impossible to find out.


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