96 Waste Of My Time

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Ellie's POV

I can't believe it.

All these months I thought she was dead, she was literally under my nose the whole time. Would could I have not noticed anything?! Why am I so stupid?!

You know, now that I think about it, this is the first time I've been in Shinichi's old house. I mean, there never was a reason to go, so... Why are we here again?

I shift my position on the living room's couch so I'm laying down, one arm used as a pillow for my head and the other dangling limp off the side of the furniture. Staring at the ceiling fan now, I trace it's fancy designs with my eyes.

Ugh, this is go boring.

Sitting up again, I flop over the couch's back, my hair flipping over my head and covering my face. Parting it just enough to see past, I look through the doorway into the next room, where Rory's been yapping away on the phone for a while now. Seems like she and the other person are arguing, but I can't follow it due to my lack of translators.

I sigh.

This isn't getting us anywhere.

What is she doing anyways?

Changing how I sit yet again, I'm now hanging upside down, facing the TV against the opposite wall. I turn my head, looking at the coffee table near by, seeing the TV's remote sitting on it. I'm half tempted to turn on some cartoons or something to pass the time, but what's the point? I couldn't be able to follow the plot anyways.

"Are you done yet? I can't stay here all night!" I shout to Rory, despite knowing she won't answer.

Now sitting on my side, I prop myself up on my elbow and look to the front door. I could just try leaving again. Except the exit's a bit squeaky, so Rory Will probably drag me back to the couch again.

I'm starting to feel like I'm being held hostage.

What on earth.

Is this what Conan felt like when Rory kidnapped him?

I moan. "Roooorryyy, Huuuurry uuuupp! I got a lot to do tonight, and this isn't helping!!"

She glares at me for a second, saying something that I can only assume means "shut up, I'm on the phone." To my surprise, however, she finally hangs up a minutes later, then joins me in the living room.

"Can I go now?" I ask, already annoyed with how much time has passed.

Not even bothering to reply to a question she can't understand, she sits down next to me and flips on the news channel.

Bored with nothing else to do, I sit myself upright and try to follow along best I can, but fail. Something about another murder someplace, and it's safe to bet Conan was involved at one point or another, even if I can't match it up with any episodes I've seen. Then again, there's so many that I probably just forgot about that one. Who knows. It's not important anyways.

Rory looks worried about it, though. Strange.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. Who in their right mind would be up this late? Unless this is why Rory was on the phone? Must live nearby, that was fast.

The TV is switched back off, as Rory goes to answer it.

Pointlessly, I attempt to listen in on their conversation. Not that I could understand it anyways. It's more to try and figure out who she's talking to without standing up, which is proving to be harder than I originally thought.

That is, until they laugh.

I'd recognize that giggle anywhere.

Finally getting up and walking around the corner, I look to the front front door, proving my theory correct. The two teens don't notice me spying until I speak.

"Kaito? Why're you here?"

The phantom thief looks past his friend at me. He cracks a silly grin, as if the answer was obvious. "Why, to translate for you two of course!"

"...In your pajamas?"

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