Messy Outline And Extra Tidbits

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Honestly I don't even know why I had that vote. Guess it was just an excuse to procrastinate. Sorry this took much longer to do then it should have. But anyways, with 0 nos and 4 yeses, here's the outline for what would have happened!

Each "bullet point" is ruffly a chapter. I slightly edited some of the beginning, but for the most part it's just my personal notes sense forever ago and I don't want to bother reading the whole thing. Sorry for all the mistakes, hopefully most of it makes sense despite the mess? I can elaborate in the comments if you have a question, so don't be afraid to ask -w-;;


* Return to present time with Ellie Kaito and Rory. Early morning, Ellie panic to get back to orphanage. Translators still not fixed but already running late D:< Thankfully, makes it in time before everyone wakes up -_-;;

* Kaito is dad, Rory is mom (acting, Kaito's idea lol) to adopt Ellie. Rory still hates him and has "couple arguments"(fluff? XD ) Ellie confused (they didn't tell her plan ahead of time) but improvises. few bumps, but it all works out. Finally free of that stupid setting! Say bye to roommates

* Zi zi/Luna returned to Ellie, live in Shinichi house with Rory now. Rory's glitchy hand problem first noticed, explain later when time is right (hope soonish, must before climax start). Ellie's worried but Rory insist it's fine. been happening since Kaito saved her.

* Things become normalish again. (only 1-2 chapters! avoid filler!!) Fluff if possible, happiness before climax. Translators must finally be fixed if not done sooner. It's about time, that was freaking annoying for the both of us -_-;;

* Kids go out for ice cream or something at tree house park. (plot hole: why Rory there? BO etc. fix that) Conan and DB play soccer/have fun. Ellie & Rory on bench watching. Rory sees pidgey first by old tree house's base. climax start! >:D

* Rory points out to Ellie, both freaking out. Pokemon in DC? what?? why??? impossible!! Tell at least Conan, maybe other kids.  Small Pokemon getting more frequent. Echo flowers sprouting. other references. What going on? Why?? What did they do?? also Rory's glitch is spreading up arm.

* Public finds out pretty fast, is worried about references. All over TV etc. Mass panic soon. Rory pokemon cussing again, summoning more pokemon accidentally. ipod music test summons FNAF. Other references for previous chaps (since the very beginning!! OwO) coming up finally, include: YuGiOh, Dr. Who, GF, SU, MLP etc. More dangerous creatures as time goes on. Portals now viable, looks like ripped holes in paper. "Reality" is collapsing! End of world?! OAO;;  XD

* 10/10 good job Ellie and Rory for referencing so many things. broke the freaking dimension, shattering 1-3 walls (chap 63, remember?) HUGE guilt trip (at least for Ellie). Everyone ganNA DIE SOON AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!  \(QAQ)/   Run around trying to figure out what to do. Rory's glitch still growing, impossible to hide anymore. Portals growing/multiplying, becoming too much for the dimension. buildings clasping, people erased, the whole shebang. Starting to leak in other things, never even mentioned. Maybe requests from melons? idk if I know what fandoms they're talking about will consider  :/

* 4 wall is cracking (chap 63 again), time's running out. Rory has "AHA!" moment; "we're all just drawings and our paper is now ripping(portals look like rips in a page, right?)" ((U C THAT FORESHADOWING THERE MMM 100/10 BEST RIGHT?!?! SO HYPED YES)) possibly fix everything with paper? Everyone gets to work! Also /maybe consider/ get Gosho Ayoama to help, if it fits. That'll be hard tho... >_>;;

*Plan is coming along, just need to act! Rory fully glitches/disappears (oh noes not dead again srsly y  D:< ) everyone original from anime (Conan and co) got first, then other things that's been coming through portals are slowly being erased or something?? idk just try feels as best as possible while avoiding plot holes. Why am I doing this it's going to be reaLLY HARD TO WRITE UGH (>QnQ)> plz be worth it DX  anyways things happen and portals are continue destroying everything to point of a void. Looks like blank, fresh sheet of paper.  Ellie's one of last to be erased. Did the drawings work? biggest cliff hanger yet >:D hope and pray I pull this off fine I'm so so nervous and don't even have to write this for several months uuuuggghh QmQ;;

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