Chapter 6

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"Sam........What are you do-" I asked before he ran off

Kian chased Sam as I stood their frozen unable to move. I just saw Sam. Its been a year. Then I decided to chase after him. I needed to talk to him. get things off my chest.

"Sam wait" I yelled

I stopped looking around for him but he ran out the mall entrance. I tried to catch him, but I found myself in the busy streets of Cali. I began to tear up. I needed to talk to him. then I felt atap on my shoulder.

" are you okay?" Connor asked

" can you take my bags" I asked " I think I'm gonna go over to Kian's and talk to Sam"

Connor took my bags " I'll meet you at home, please call me if you need me" he said

- Skip the walk-

I lightly press on the doorbell. Kian answers.

" hey Brie" he says with a smirk as he leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "Sam's upstairs" he added.

Then Kian gestures for me to come in. I take a deep breath and walk up the stairs. I finally make it to Sam's door. I slowly open it.

"omfg Sam, baby no don't this" I cry. I find Sam cutting himself. I then see his eyes slowly close. then he is out like a light bulb.

" Kian, please come help" I yelled

within three seconds Kian was their and calling 911.

-skip ride to hospital-

we arrived at the hospital and they took so many test. when the doctor left he told me I could stay. I texted Connor and told him to go to the show with someone else, I told him to take lots of photos. I stood their for hours. waiting for news from the doctor. It hurt me so much to see Sam with bandages and tubes all over him. I began to cry. then I heard a knock on the door. it was the doctor.

"Due to the fact that Sam lost so much blood, Sam is now in a Coma" The doctor said

I began to cry up and fill up with anger. it was my fault that he is in this position if just forgave him like Kian did for Jess this would have never happened I am such an asshole.

"Is he gonna wake up?" I asked with hope

"that's up to him" the doctor replied. then he left.

I began to cry. I held Sam's hand and kissed his scars. I wanted him to wake up so I could kiss him and just pretend it never happened.

-Next day-

I woke up and it was about 1 p.m. I looked over to see Sam, still in a coma. I wanted him to wake up so bad. I needed him to wake up. I held his hand hoping for him to hold min.

"Baby, I know you can't hear, or I don't know if you can here me. but I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. its my fault your in this position. if I would have forgiven you and just ignored the past and put it behind us, this would have never happened. I'm sorry I was such a jerk. I love you. I wanted to tell you I just didn't know how to react. I need you in my life. you're my prince charming. I want to be your Cinderella again. Please baby, wake up. I would do anything just to hear you voice again, just to have one last hug, one last kiss. I would trade places any day for you so you don't have to be in this pain. Just... please wake up" I said as I begged and sobbed.

I stood their and I had no response. if I could rewind time I would just to fix all of this. just so he didn't have to feel this pain. then Kian walked in. His eyes were all puffy and red. he then began to sob. though he was mad at Sam about the incident he still cared about him.

"Hey... lets go eat" Kian suggested

I needed to eat now or I would be in a hospital bed next to him. " yeah, sure" I replied

Kian and I got up he wrapped his arm around me and we walked downstairs to the hospital cafeteria. we still didn't eat we just sat their staring into space.

" I'll be back soon" Kian said as he got up and left

I went back upstairs and waited for Sam to wake up and Kian to come back. I began to feel sick to my stomach, I needed fresh air. I decided to go downstairs for a few minutes. I go to the front of the building only to find Kian smoking. I run up to him take it out of his hand and throw it on the ground.

"what the fuck Kian....Why the fuck you were smoking?!" I screamed

" I needed to get my mind off things" he replied

"you don't fucking smoke when your friends with me, and you sure as hell don't need to smoke cause Sam would be just as mad as I am. So stop being an ass and get your act together, cause you know what's gonna happen if you smoke. your gonna end up right next to Sam" I yelled and I stormed away.

-Kian P.O.V-

I didn't mean to make Brie mad, I just wasn't thinking. But to be honest she shouldn't be talking cause she acts like she didn't go crazy. She fucking gets tattoos and piercings and yells at me for smoking, Bitch please.

-Sam P.O.V-

I am in this dark place. I can see a light in the distance. something is holding me back I look back and its Brie. she is on her knees sobbing so that I don't go to the light.

-Brie P.O.V-

I am so fucking pissed with Kian. He is such a dumb ass. I just wanna be with Sam. I walk into the room to find Sam AWAKE. Our eyes locked and he crack a smile. I walked towards him and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

" I am so happy you are awake" I began to cry happy tears. " I don't know if you heard me bu-" I said before he cut me off.

" I heard you..... Baby, I love you and never meant to hurt you. I need you in my life. I can't be without you. you're my world. Will you be my Cinderella again."Sam asked

"Yes" I said with a smile from ear to ear

then someone knocked on the door. it was Kian and the doctor. I glared at Kian and raised my eyebrow. There was a moment of silence.

then the doctor broke the silence by saying "Just pick up Sam's prescription at the front desk and you can go home" he smiled then walked out the room

We got ready and picked up Sam's prescription. Kian dropped us off and went to go pick up Jess. It was pouring outside. Sam looked at me and smiled.

" I love you" Sam said and then leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss.

I kissed him back. he lifted me up and my legs wrapped around his waist and my fingers running through his hair. the rain hitting our faces. He began to walk inside still holding me and take me upstairs. After he took me to his room and closed the door.

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