Chapter 35

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I woke on the floor of my living room. Sammy's arm was wrapped around my waist and Amanda and Johnson were cuddled up next to each other. I looked at the time and it was 9:50 I had too pick Mikala up soon. I had crept out of Sammy's grip and crawled over to my sister.

"Amanda wake up"

"why" she groaned

"We have to pick up Mickey" I said

"Okay" she said. I got up and we walked up to my bedroom and changed. I didn't want to wake Sammy because he looked so peaceful. I changed into gray sweatpants, a black beanie and a black long sleeve crop top. I then put on my wheat tims and my ray bans. Amanda wore white shorts, gray half sleeve croptop and black flipflops. I then walked downstairs to find Sammy awake on his phone. 

"Sammy why are you awake" I whispered. Johnson and Gilinsky were sleeping. 

"I said I would drive you" he answered

"Its fine, you don't have to go back to sleep" I said

"I'm keeping my promises" He said grabbing my car keys.

"Fine" I said.

 Sammy got in and I sat next to him. Amanda sat in the back. She was playing on her phone. I had my arm resting on the arm rest. Then Sammy's hand intertwined with mine and we sat their. After a 15 minute drive we got their at 10:20 so sea waited in the car. After another 40 minute wait. I saw Mikala come out.

"MICKEY" Amanda yelled and ran into her arms

"Hey Mikala" I said hugging and kissing her on the cheek. "How have you been?"

"Good" she replied as we put her stuff in the trunk. We then sat down in the car. Mikala and Amanda in the back. Sammy and I in the front.

"Oh this is Sammy" I said.

"Hi, I'm Mikala. Just call me Mickey" she introduced herself

"Hi, I'm Sammy" he exclaimed

*Fast forward to 7:30 p.m.*

"I'm gonna make dinner, can you go upstairs" I demanded. They replied with yeahs and okays. Johnson and Gilinsky were still here. I was gonna make chicken parmesan and pasta. It would take about and hour. I began to cook and to my surprise when I was done it came out pretty good. I felt super accomplished. I should be on that show chopped. I then went upstairs to tell everyone the food was ready. I went to my room which is where Amanda and I were staying.

"Guys the food is ready go downstairs" I said. They were watching Netflix when I saw them. The boys all ran downstairs like a pack of wolves. I then had to go to Mikala's room. I didn't know where Sammy was. Probably taking a shower.  When I opened the door is saw SAMMY AND MIKALA MAKING OUT.

"oh shit uh-um dinner is ready" I studderd while walking out closing the door. I looked at Sammy and he had fear or sorrow in his eyes. whichever.  Everyone at the table was having fun eating and joking around while I was quiet. I had felt my phone vibrate it was Jess. A name I hadnt heard in a long time.

(J=Jess B=Brie)

J:Can you meet me at the park?

B: yeah why

J: We need to talk 

B: Kk, see you in 15

I needed a girl to talk to right now other then my sisters. I then got up and slammed my chair into the table. I got up and slipped on my wheat timbs and grabbed my snapback and purse.

"Brie, where you going" Mikala asked me 

"Somewhere" I mumbled before slamming the door in her face. It was begining to get dark. I walked fast to the park. At first their was no sight of Jess. but i spotted her on the swings. 

"Hey" Jess said smiling 

"Hey" I replied

"We need to talk" she started "Look Brie I'm so sorry for ditching you and taking Sam's side. I didn't wanna lose Kian. But I lost my best friend. I didnt know Sam hit you and once I found out I immediatly regretted ditching you. Please forgive me" She begged

"Its okay I forgive you. You didnt know better." I said

"Now that all the fighting is past us I wanna tell you something" She said cheerfully

"What" I asked

"KIAN PURPOSED" She yelled

"HOLY SHIT CONGRATS JESS" I said hugging her. It was such a pretty ring. I had one big square shaped diamond in the middle and on each side wrapping around the ring there were mini diamonds. I wish I had the love her and Kian had.

"Oh and one other thing, do you wanna be my maid of honor" She asked 

"YES" I said jumping around like a 5 year old

"Well I gotta go to my mom's house. But call me tommorow we can hang out at the mall" She said

"Okay, I will call you in the morning" I said and then we walked our seprete ways. I began to walk home. When I opened the door Johnson washing the dishes. Gilinsky was watching tv and Sammy and Mickey were cuddling and Amanda was snooping through my fridge. I walked in and ran upstairs into my room and slammed the door and locked it. I just wanted people to know i was angry and don't come near me. Sorry Amanda sleep somewhere else in the house for tonight. But of course no one can take a hint and leave me the fuck alone.


"Who is it and what the fuck do you want from my life" I said

"Its Gilinsky" he mumbled. I opened the door and let him in. "Are you okay" he asked

"Fine i guess" I lied "why"

"you've slamming things and walked out in the middle of dinner" he said

"I had things to do" I mumbled

"Was it Sammy, what did he do" He asked

"All I can say is i you're gonna stay over again then its you and Johnson and Sammy has to get the fuck out and go home" I said

"I'll tell him. Thanks for letting me stay over. I am tired of being home and skate and sammy smoking and banging chicks" he said kissing my forehead.

"No problem" I replied and with that he walked out the door

After a few minutes. I heard Sammy yell "What the fuck fine" and then my front door slammed. I then knew it was okay to leave and go downstairs. When I went down Gilinsky signaled for me to come to the kitchen.

"Whats up" I whispered

"I told Sammy, he's pissed" he said "Can you tell me what happened know"

"Its confusing, like one minute Sammy like's me and the next minute he is eating someones face. Like today he fucking held my hand and acted all flirtatious and then he fucking makes out with my sister. Like Dafuq and Its like i need time for myself without me falling for someone else that doesnt feel the same way" I answered

"I understand" he replied "How about Johnson, me, you and Amanda all go to 7/11 and mess with the people their" he offered. 

"Sure lets go" i said. After that we went and we messed with the people buying stuff. Amanda scared this one chick. Mikala didnt come she was to busy looking for Sammy. Whatever. After that we went home and I went to be. I was going to the mall with Jess tomorrow. I was just about to sleep when someone was at the door. It was Tiffany, Sammy's ex-girlfriend and this girl i remembered her name was Janaei i think. 

"What is its" I asked

"Stay away from my man" Tiffany said

"What the fuck I'm not dating him, he's all yours" I said

"Bitch cut the attitude before I bust a cap" Janaei said

"Bitch" I mumbled. I guess she heard cause she punched in the face and left. Man I was bleeding from my mouth. Gilinsky saw and cleaned me up. Sammy is gonna pay. 

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