Chapter 25

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-The Next Day-

I woke up the next day. Its my birthday. Today I am 19. Great way to celebrate my birthday. I have my period and I got pushed by who I thought was my best friend. The first thing I did was go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I went downstairs and grabbed a carton of ice cream and sat on my couch and began to watch spongebob. I am still a kid at heart. I know I won't , I can't forgive Taylor. This is a great way to celebrate my birthday. I don't have a car. It was Jess's that I used to use. My mom wanted to see me. But I didn't know how I was gonna get their. I thought of everyone until it came to one person Wilk. I then called him and after 3 rings he answered.

"Good Morining" Sammy said in his raspy morning voice.

"Hey, can you do me a favor" I asked

"Sure, baby" he replied. I kind of blushed. 

"Today is my birthday and my mom is begging to see me. Can you take me their?" I asked

"Sure. I will pick you up in and hour" He added

"Okay. Thanks Sammy" I said

"Oh and uh Happy Birthday Beautiful" He said

"Thanks, bye" I said. 

I then went into the bathroom and took a shower. I decided to wear a black spagetti string crop top, with a black and red flannel, blue distressed skinny jeans and black wedges, I decided to curl my hair and tie it in a half up half down. Then i did my make up and did a smokey eye just like yesterday. I also put on red lipstick. Once I was done. I grabbed my phone, keys, wallet and puse and sat on the front porch and waited for Sammy.

-Sammy P.O.V-

Brie has asked me to take her to her moms house cause its her birthday. How come she didnt say anything. I needed to get her a gift. I decided on getting her a necklace that had her name on it. I then got dressed and went to go pick her up. I got their right on time. I pulled up to the curb to see her sitting on the porch. She looked gorgeous. I beeped the horn and got her attention. She then walked up and got in the car.

"Hey" She said buckling the seat belt

"Hey, Brie" I said "Happy Birthday"

"Thanks Sammy" she said

"I got you something" I told her

"Sammy no you sho-" she said before i cut her off

"Here" I said handing her the box with the necklace. She opened it.

"Thank you Sammy but I cant accept this. Its too much" She said

"No please keep it. " I begged

"Sammy its to much" she said trying to hand me the box

"Please" i cried

"Fine" she gave in.

I then clipped it on her neck and it looked perfect. I then began to drive.

"thank you Sammy. You're really my only friend right now. Thank you for caring, even yesterday" She said looking down.

"No problem" I said slowly reaching for her hand. I rested my hand on her hand and drove her to her mom's.

-Brie P.O.V- 

Sammy bought me a necklace for my birthday. He then rested his hand on mine and I turned away because I can feel myself blushing. After a 30 minute drive we finally got their.

"Thanks Sammy" I said " You don't have to take me home I can just take and uber"

"No, we are gonna go somewhere after your moms" he said with a big grin

"Where" I asked curiously

"You will see" She said

"Thanks Sammy" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. We the got out the car and walked up to the front door. Before we meet my mom. You're probably wondering wheres your dad. He left when I was a baby. I also have an older Sister but she lives in New York. She is 23 and her name is Mikala.  I also have a little sister. She is 16. Her name is Amanda. 


"Hey Mama!" I yelled jumping into her arms

"Hi princess" She said "Happy Birthday"

"Thanks Mama where's Amanda?" I asked

"She is sleeping, go wake her" My mom said.

"Oh this is Sammy...Mama, Sammy...Sammy,Mama" I said introducing them

"Hi" Sammy said holding his hand out. 

"Come Sammy, lets go wake my sister" I said grabbing his hand taking him upstairs. We ran upstairs and she was slepping and drooling. It was hilarious. Sammy just stood leaning on the door frame. I grabbed a bucket from the bathroom and filled it up with ice cold water.  I then came from behind her and poured it on her.

"What the flying fuck" She yelled. She then looked at me.

"Brie" She yelled hugging me. "Happy Birthday" 

"Thanks munchkin" I said squeezing her. I then look over and see Sammy staring and smiling.

"Go change, we will see you downstairs" I demanded. She then proceeded to go into her bathroom. I then ran and hugged Sammy.

"What is this for" Sammy whisperd

"For being the best and only friend right now. Thank you Sammy wilk for making this one of the best birthdays" I said while resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"No problem babe, you deserve it" he siad kissing my cheek. " Lets go downstairs" he said grabbing my hand. After waiting about 10 minutes for Amanda they gave me my gifts. My mom got me a rose gold iphone 6s. Amanda got me matte teal beats.

"Thanks you guys so much" I said while giving each of them a kiss on the check

"That's not all" my mom said "Mikala got you something." My mom handed me a box and I tore it open. It was the marron and black lo pro vans I wanted. 

"Fuck yeah" I whisperd. I then texted my sister thank you. 

"Well mama I got to go. Sammy and I are going out" I said looking at him.

"Okay baby, I love you" My mom said. I then hugged and kissed my mom and sister on the cheek.

-3 hours later-

"Sammy where are you taking me?" I asked

"You really wanna know?" He asked

"Yes please" I begged 

" You have to wait and see" he said holding my hand

"You're such a tease" i whined. after 10 minutes of driving we arrived. We were going to "The Boy" Premiere. 

"Sammy what are we doing here" I asked

"We are here to see the movie" He said

"Thank you caption obvious. but you know Sammy and Madison and the O2l fam are gonna be here"  I said

"Look at me" he demanded "You are perfect and you need to stop letting Sam and Madison's opinions  stop you from doing what you wanna do. Don't let a slap in the face change you. I brought you here to face your fears and show you are perfect and you are gonna be just fine. You wanna know why , cause I'm here for you" He said. We gazed into eachothers eyes. I really wanted to kiss him he sounded so perfect and i was hoping he cared like he said.

"Thank you Sammy" I said pulling him in for a hug. He then kissed my cheeck and held my hand as we intertwined our fingers. "lets go have some fun" 

(A/N i didn't actually go to the premiere. I live in New York so yeah.)

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