Chapter 73

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I woke up feeling like shot. I just wanted to be in the dark. Tiffany was still sleeping next  to me but I could hear footsteps along the bus. I was still too lazy to look. I just stood their facing the wall. Sammy had one show tomorrow and then Friday. The Saturday we were gonna go home. It was Tuesday. After laying for an eternity, Tiffany woke up.

"I know your up" she said

"Okay" I replied

"Brie come on you can't be that sad" she said

"I am that sad. You have no idea the pain I felt. I never felt this before. I feel something that he doesn't feel towards me. Do you not know how shitty that feels" I said

"Yeah I do. That's how I felt when Sammy and I broke up" she said

"But Tiffany you got him back. He loves you. Sammy is a dream guy for any girl. Gilinsky was my Sammy. I lost him" I said

"Look I'm not letting you be a lazy bitch for the rest of the week. We're going out today. I don't know where but we're going somewhere" she demanded

"Do I have to go" I asked

"Yep" she said getting up. I literally rolled of the bed and hit the floor. They didn't even laugh at me they just saw how lost I was and sad. I got up and dragged myself into the bathroom. I took a shower and washed my hair. I got out and dried my hair. I put into a messy bun. I then put on a gray crop top with a black rim and on the side pocket area it had an alien, I then put on skinny jeans and then my white and black adidas. I did my light makeup and put my raybans aviators on with a gold rim.

"Let's go" Tiffany said

"What is your point to this" I asked

"To make you feel better" she stated

"Good luck with that" I said. First we went to Starbucks. I got a Passion Iced Tea and Tiffany got a coffee, I think. I was zoned out when she ordered.

"Where are we going" I asked

"Strip club" she said

I chocked on my drink "WHAT"

"Kidding" she laughed

"Funny...where are we actually going" I asked

"It's a suprise" she said. I didn't react, I just sat their. It was cloudy today. I just relaxed and looked out the window. I am so depressed. I feel so useless. I feel worthless. I wanted that perfect Cali Cinderella Story. I wanted to have that cliche moment on the pier where you meet the guy and become best friends and one night your hanging out and you kiss. And that kiss turns into something more and you learn to love and care for each other. You date and have the craziest relationship in people's eyes but for you it's perfect. Then like 5 years later he purposes and you have the best wedding and have a kid or two and live life with your Prince Charming. But that wasn't gonna happen for me. After we ate Tiffany grabbed my hand and we walked somewhere. We walked to the park I had no idea what we were doing here.

"Why are we here" I whined

"To see him" she said pointing somwhere. When I turned my head I saw Jack.

"What no why is he here" I said

"To bring Brilinsky back" she said

"NO TIFFANY I CANT HE IS GONNA BE THE FATHER OF THAT BABY AND IT WOULE BE SO FUCKED UO TO DATE HIM. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? I yelled "Tiffany babe I love you but you honestly can't be serious. I'm not dating him for my same and for that baby."

"Brie hear him out you didn't even listen to his side of the story" she said

" what's the fucking point Tiff. Just tell him to go home because the only way I see him as is the father of my niece or nephew" I said before storming off the bus.

-Tiffany P.O.V-

I was just trying to help. I wouldn't have done it of this was gonna happen.

"I'm sorry Jack" I said. He just shrugged and walked away. I still wanted to fix this and bring someone she loved that would make her happy, besides me I mean. Maybe Taylor. But I don't know I feel like a guy would just fuck up her life. She has no one. I can't bring her to any guys cause everything would just get worse. I suck. I have no idea who my best friend would want. She has no brothers and honestly doesn't even want to see her sisters. She has no one. She just feels getting high or sleeping is the answer.  Don't know what to do or who to bring. I want to fix this but I have no idea who to bring. She only dated one other guy. Sam. That's it be she hates him with a passion. I need help. I want her to get better. Who could help her?

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