Chapter 42

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I had blacked out. I woke up with my leg elevated and wrapped in a cast. I looked around and I'm in a hospital. Then it all came back I missed a spot and fell like 5 feet down and broke my leg. Fucking peachy.

"Where am I" I said in a groggy voice

"In the hospital" someone siad. I turned and saw that it was Jack. "Babe I'm sorry, i never meant for this to happen. it all my fault." he cried

"Its not your fault i overreacted. I have nothing to hide. The reason I wanted to talk to Sammy was cause I wanted to fix what happened and ask him how he was feeling cause Mikala cheated on him."  I said

"Oh I'm sorry. Baby please forgive me" he said

"Jack I promise I'm not mad and I forgive you" I said. Then he kissed me and placed his forehead against mine and we gazed into eachothers eyes. That was until the doctor walked in.

"Hello, How are you feeling" he asked

"Fine" I said 

"Good, well it seems you blacked out due to the pain of your broken leg. Since your wrapped up we can just measure you for your crutches and you can grab your medication at the front deska dn you can leave" he said

"Thanks doc" I said. (A/N That Back to the Future refrence though). The nurses then sized me for my crutches and I Gilinsky got me my medication. Since the hospital was close to the hotel we decided walk so I could get used to my crutches. We finally arrived after a 10 minute walk. Guess what. The elevators were being fucking repaired.

"Hop on" Jack said signaling for me to hop on his back for a piggy back ride. I then jumped on and he began to walk up the stairs.

"Babe you know you can put me down if you feel like I'm fat or heavy" I said. He didnt respond he just kept walking. Finally he made it to our room. JJ and Amanda were out getting some pizza or something. When we walked in Jack pushed me against the wall and lifted me up. 

"Don't you ever say your fat or think that you're not beautiful because you are, your perfect." he said and the smashed his lips against mine. He carried me and laid me down on the bed. Then we continued to make out. He slowly kissed my neck and jawline. I then laid strattled over him and did the same until we heard the door begin to open. We got off eachother and made believe we were talking. I love how throughout this whole process my hair was still fly af. They came out with this fancy as brick oven pizza. It was fucking amazing. After we began to watch a movie. We ended up watching 21 jump street. Amanda laughed at me for breaking my foot. 

"Dave Franco is so fucking fine" I said

"I know right those eyebrow are goals" Amanda replied.

"Facts" I said. After we ranted on how fucking awesome Dave Franco is. I think the boys got pissed. After the movie we decided to go to bed. It was a 2 bedroom hotel room so we went our seprete ways. Jack didnt say goodnight or anything he just went straight to bed. When I went to the bed I tried to cuddle but he fixed his body face up. Then now I was pissed. I straddled over him and held his arms down.

"What's wrong" I said

"Funny how you think you're so strong by holding my arms down" He said sarcastically before pushing me off and straddling over me and holding my arms down.

"Will you tell me why your mad" i said with a puppy dog face

"I don't know ask Dave Franco" he said bluntly 

"Babe, I was just having fun I love you way more then Dave Franco" I said. Then we had like a 30 minute makeout session. 

"So you admit that you love me" He said

"Sure" I said sarcastically. 

"Oh I see how it is your gonna regret that." He then began to tickle me.

"J-Jack p-please stop" I said in between laughs

"Not until you tell me you love me" He said

"you said you wanted it to be the perfect time but a I like you ALOT, okay" I said putting an emphasis on alot. 

"Okay" he replied. I then cuddled up into his chest and hid my face. Then he took a photo

"Babe, I'm a mess" I complained. He laughed and kissed me. Then my phone buzzed and I had a Twitter notification. It said:

@JackGilinksky: @Brie_Rodriguez Goodnight my sleeping beauty.

I smiled and favorited it. "Goodnight" I mumbled before my eyes felt heavy.

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