Chapter Nineteen

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Dan and I arrive just in time.
"There they are.", Joe says and everyone cheers.
Blushing, we both sit down. "What are you guys doing?", I ask, looking at the pieces of paper on the floor.
"Basically, we are randomly going to see who is going to be who's new years kiss. Just take a piece of paper out of the eight, all of them have numbers from 1-4, who evers number matches with yours, is your kiss", Alfie explains.

Everyone picks out a piece of paper, me being the last. Everyone says their number starting with Phil. "2", he says. Louise boyfriend and him end up having to share a kiss and agree on a 'manly peck on the cheek'. Joe is next and picks out number 4 which is also the one Alfie got. "Nooo", comed from both of their mouths.
Next is Zoe, then Louise, Dan and finally me. Zoe picks and says: "3".
Louise, Dan and I all pick a piece of paper and all look at it at the same time after a 3-second countdown.

Right when I open the paper, see a one and hear Louise say: "I'm kissing chummie!", I turn to Dan who is laughing and hiding his head in his hands.
"Yes, at least one couple that makes sense", Joe says and everyone laughs.

All of them go back to conversions and laughter when I see Dan looking up from his hands and at me and just shrugging his shoulders with an awkward smile on his lips.

We all spend the time till midnight drinking, eating and laughing.
It is all fun and games, until Alfie pulls out his vlogging camera. Before I can say anything he begins to talk: "As you can probably tell, I'm not home any more... I'm at Dan and Phil's!", he directs the camera towards them, they are waving and saying hey. He talks for a bit more until he finally puts the camera down.
I want to say something but Dan does before me: "Alfie, I'm sorry but if Y/N is visable in any of these shots, I don't think you can put them in."
"Oh come on now guys, they won't even notice man!", he responds.
"Alf, they will and seriously don't, they don't know who she is yet and will destroy her in the comments", Zoe says as well. All of this attention makes me uncomfortable. I feel Dan's securing hand around my waist.
"Oh my gosh, fine. I'll make sure she isn't in any of the shots.", Alfie finally says.


Finally the time comes and we all head outside of the flat to see the fireworks.
Outside there aren't many people which I appreciate. But it is definitely colder than I expected, so Dan kindly puts his big, bulky jacket on my shoulders and holds me close when everyone starts counting down and we join in.
Happy new year!

Everyone around us is just cheering, hugging and being genuinely happy.
"Y/N?", Dan says, looking me into the eyes, "Happy new year, gorgeous".

I smile as he pulls me closer into him by his jacket I am wearing. And then it happens.

We kiss as the fireworks left their marks in the sky. It is a long gentle kiss.
I put my arms around him, looking up at him. He cups my face and kisses me again. It isbeautiful. He is beautiful.

I started giggling when we hear aweing from everyone. I bury my face into his chest, with blushing red cheeks, and feel a soft peck on my head.

:DAN | danxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now