Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Thank you everyone for coming, this tour has been amazing!", Dan says on stage in Los Angeles.
It's now two weeks later and the last show of the tour, but the first one for me, just ended.
Because I was in the VIP area I went backstage to see the boys.
"You guys were great!", I say when I spot them. Both of them have huge smiles on their faces. "Thank you so much, I'm really glad you came!", Phil says to me and gives me a hug.

Thankfully not a lot of people recognised me in the audience. A few did and said hello and I was happy to talk to them.

After the show we go outside. I'm walking besides Dan and don't expect anything. But I was wrong.
They get greeted by a huge crowd of people who were waiting for them. A few even scream my name.
They are extremely loud and close to us and it makes me feel really uncomfortable. Dan sees the shock in my face, grabs my hand so I don't get mushed by people. Right when he does that, the screams get lauder.

Finally, Security escorts us into a blacked out van.
Dan pulls me inside with him, Phil following right behind.
"Oh my god, that was crazy!", I say, out of breath.
"It was, I was scared they would crush you.", Phil says.
"Sorry I grabbed you, but if i wouldn't have, you would literally disappear.", Dan apologizes.
"I'm glad you did that, actually. I was pretty scared, I don't know how you guys do it all the time."


I hear a knock on my door and go to open it. The manager of the tour organised a roof top get-together to celebrate the end of the tour and Dan is here to pick me up. Before I open the door I quickly look into the mirror. I am well happy with my outfit, perfect for a party in LA!

(comment what you would wear!)

I open the door and see Dan's face light up.
"Wow. How do you manage to do", he looks up and down at me "... that?"
"What do you mean?", I laugh and give him a hug.
"You look so pretty. Like, your outfit is so stylish."
"Aw Dan, thank you. You look nice too, I love your hair by the way.", I say and run my fingers through it.
He blushes: "Thanks, I left it natural for you."


We arrive at the location and it is honestly beautiful. Their manager outdid themselves.

I look around and see some familiar faces

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I look around and see some familiar faces. People such as Tyler Oakley, Catrific and Connor Franta are attending the party. Even though I am a bit nervous to talk to them, they seem pretty nice.

After the tour manager and Phil give a quick little speech, the party begins.

It isn't crazy, just a nice get-together.
Dan left me on my own about 30 minutes into the party.
I can't help myself, because Dan and Phil are the only people I know, so I just awkwardly sit down on a couch, sip on my cocktail and text Zoe.

Y/N: This is so awkward, I don't know anyone.
Zoe: Where are Dan and Phil?
Y/N: Somewhere, just talking to everyone.
Zoe: Hm, just go up to someone, trust me they are all lovely.
Y/N: I'm literally so intimated.

Right after I send the text, someone nudges my shoulder. In front of me is Tyler Oakley: "Hey! You were sitting all by yourself so I thought why not talk to you? You are Y/N, right?" he says with a loud voice.
"Yes I am how did you know that? And nice to meet you Tyler!"
"I watched your guyses video! Loved it."
"Aw", I laugh awkwardly.

Tyler and I then start talking about the most random stuff, including Britney Spears, One Direction and the Kardashians.

We got along really well and exchanged numbers. He also introduced me to some of the other people who were all really nice to me.

I totally forgot about Dan and Phil because I'm having so much fun with everyone else, until someone hugs me from behind. It is Dan.
He swings me around and smiles: "Sorry I left you, had to talk to everyone, you know. But you seem to have fun?"
"Yes, everyone's lovely!"
"I'm glad! Um- so after this is over, do you want to come back with me to my hotel room?"

:DAN | danxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now