Chapter Sixty-Seven

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"I have no idea.", I say and sigh, "everything is a mess right now."

Zoe sits closer to me and starts stroking my arm: "Don't worry it'll all work out just fine."

Joe and Zoe try to calm me down and say a few encouraging words, which make me feel at least a tiny bit better than I did before.

Later that day, I go onto Twitter, which I avoided all day so I won't be faced with thousands of Tweets about the topic I want to talk about least.

"@lauracampell6625 did you and Dan break up?"

"@phranticphaniel lmao I knew Dan and her would date for a few months tops. Phil is the only one for him lol."

"@killerbee11256 nooo >:( You and danisnotonfire were my otp!!!", some of the tweets say.

Dan, I wonder if he knows or cares about all of this.

Just to be sure, I go onto our messages to see if he unblocked me.

To my surprise, I can finally see his profile picture again.
We are both on it, at the beach in Iceland, moments before he promised to love me forever.

Dan unblocked me, but what do I do now?

Still thinking about the decision I am going to make, I see him beginning to type a message.


It was our tour manager who showed me the articles.

The articles that had a huge snowball- effect, spreading rumors everywhere I look.

Apparently, Y/N and Joe got really drunk.
Apparently, Zoe and Alfie broke up.
Apparently, Y/N and I broke up.

Not really knowing the truth to any of these questions and with a lot of encouragement from Phil, I text Y/N:

Dan: Hey, I'm really sorry to bother but are any of these true?

I link the articles in chronological order and wait for a response, which I get minutes after.

Y/N: You're talking to me like we're are strangers. Yes, Joe and I got drunk. And I regret it because I can't remember a thing, I also can't remember sleeping with him, because we never did.
Zoe and Caspar brought us both to his room because they could only find his key and we were both asleep before they left.
Zoe and Alfie did break up but that's secondary right now, I want to properly explain everything in person.
And for the last link, you know it better than I do, eh?

A huge weight lifts off my shoulders when I finish reading her message.

Dan: Call me baby.

Y/N: Why call you baby? You high?

Dan: Omg I mean as in dial my number and talk to me.

Still laughing at the message, I get a call from her.
"Hey", is the first thing she says.
"Oh wow I missed your voice."
I hear a giggle on the other end followed by a cough followed by a "Why did you want me to call you."
"Because I have to tell you that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blocked you right away and let you explain. I'm really, really, sorry."
"Yea that was dumb of you, you left me heartbroken Dan. But I forgive you, obviously, I love you. I'm done with everything going wrong and the first thing I want to make right is us. I'm done fighting."
I signed: "I'm incredibly sorry."
"Dan, It's alright, really."
"I'm so glad you forgive me for being so stupid ", I pause, "and- um, the last link, um-. I, I don't want to end this. Like, I love you. I truly, sincerely, love you with all of my heart."
"I love you too Dan. I can't wait to see you."
"Me neither, I miss you so incredibly much."

We talk for another hour, catching up on everything else that has been going on. Everything besides Joe, Zoe and Alfie.
Every time I would start talking about them, she just tells me that she wants to discuss it in person.

The only questions I have left are why she didn't want to just tell me and the other is who told the press?

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