Chapter Fifty-Five

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"Yes?", I ask when I hear a knock on the door.
"It's me", Joe says and enters the room, "what are you doing?"
"Editing, like always you know."
He lets out a nervous laugh and clears his throat: "I have to talk to you."
"What's up?"
He sighs: "It's kinda serious..."
I roll my eyes and put my laptop to the side: "Go on then."
"Basically, um- I don't really know how to say this, but I think I like someone, a lot."
I squeal in exitement: "Oh my gosh! That's great, Joe. Who is the lucky girl?"
I look at him and see his worried face: "That's the problem.", he says and shrugs.
"It's Y/N."
He looks at me with a sad face: "You heard me. I like her, a lot you know. I just can't get her off of my mind."
"You know she has Dan though?"
"I know, that's the problem. I want her to be mine."
"Joe, she's happy with him and you better not destroy that."
"But...", he starts.
"There's no 'but'. It's a clear thing."
"Alfie even said we were perfect for each other and that Dan's an asshole to her and-", but before he can continue, I cut him off: "Are you serious? Alfie said that? Why can't he just accept Y/N and Dan. They are happy. Why's that so hard to understand? Joe, don't believe everything Alfie says. I'm her best friend, I know best!"
He looks annoyed now: "Why would he lie to me Zoe? Me and her got along so well and I was here for her when Dan wasn't. But since he sabotaged her into dating him, she barely talks to me!"
He is furious at this point.
"Joe, you're stupid. Just stupid. You know that's fucking ridiculous. What's wrong with you?", I spit at him.
"Fuck off, Zoe." he shouts and gets up to leave the room.
I can hear him slam the door down stairs, but moments later there is a knock on my door.
"Get away Joe!", I scream, expecting it to be him.
The door opens and I see Y/N infront of me: "It's me.".


"Pick the fuck up", I mumble, dailing his number for the fifth time now.
A ring, followed by two more, and he picks up. "What do you mean?", I ask him, my voice shaky, just like my thoughts.
"You know exactly what I mean. Joe's better for her.", he says and chuckles.
"Why?" Suddenly, all of the doubts I had at the beginning, come back.
I don't deserve her. She needs someone better. Someone stronger and smarter. Someone who looks good next to her. Not me. She doesn't need me.
"Look into the mirror, man. Joe's a good looking young man and you're a nerd. Do you actually believe she's happy with you? Didn't know you were that stupid.", he chuckles again.

I hang up and put the phone down on my bed. My eyes wander to the pictures of me and her on my sidetable.
I look happy and only 20 minutes ago I would've said that she does too, would've.

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