Better Off

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So once again this is an authors note and I'm very sorry.

Guys I need some help. I'm very grateful for all of you who read my stories, but my life is never what I hope it could be. I don't want to sound spoiled because I live in a safe house and I have food to eat. But I'm still hungry, hungry for love that I don't feel.

I have parents who don't love each other, parents who fight. I don't think people understand how hard it is when parents fight. It's not occasional, it's every living breathing minute they are together.

My mom is doing her best, but my dad is very hard to get along with. He works a lot and he is always mean. And when I say mean, I mean to the  extreme.

My two friends, pretty much the only two that I have, don't understand. Their families may not be perfect, but it's nothing to compare to mine. I just don't feel safe with anyone anymore.

I've been bullied. Guys depression doesn't just go away. When people rally around you and love and support you, then you can start to get over it. If your family fights, you have no one, and nobody understands you it gets worse. That's what it's been like for me.

I know that some of you wont even read this note, but guys I'm so alone. I just want to lock myself in my room and cry my eyes out. Sometimes I wonder if this world would be better off without me. I feel useless and my family is falling apart.

Take it from a teenage girl who has never had a boyfriend in her life, the reason I write about Peter Pan loving a girl or being a good father for her is because I have never ever felt love from a man.

I don't feel love from anyone. I'm crying while writing this because it's very hard for me to be at peace with all this.

And I am still going to be updating, but it may take a few days. Sorry.

So I'm really asking for help and encouragement. I don't know what to do.

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