Chapter 1

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Okay, I'm just to do that till the story is finished because I can't come up with a name. Sorry. -MoonReader109

Reader's POV:

I'm walking in my neighborhood to get back to my house. Currently, it's snowing lightly, although, not many kids are outside. Despite the holiday month, they would be outside and having lots of fun with the snow and their friends. I sigh. "Some kids these days," I say.

On my way back, I pass by a big house filled with monsters. Not the evil looking kind. They're actually quite friendly, despite themselves being monsters and all. Turns out, I wasn't looking where I was going and crashed into someone. I surprisingly fell on my butt. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. I should have been paying more attention," I apologize.

"That's okay. I was trying to get home in a hurry, and I wasn't paying attention either," says the male monster I crashed into. He extends a hand to me. I take his hand to pull myself up. Despite being a skeleton, his hand doesn't actually feel like a skeleton hand would. Instead, it feels soft, but not too soft. "What's your name?" he asks me.

"Oh, I'm (n/m), (n/m) (l/m)."

"Well, my name's Gaster. It's nice to meet you, (n/m). Even if we did crash into each other."

"Same here, Gaster. I hope we see each other again soon."

"My thoughts exactly, (n/m). Bye!"

"Bye!" I wave goodbye to Gaster. Heh, well that was something unusual today. That was the first monster I officially met. He did look cute, as well. "Welp, I better get home before I freeze my hands off," I say to myself.

Once I close the door to my house after walking in, I immediately turn on the lights. I take off my scarf, hat, gloves, and winter jacket and hang them on the coat rack. It's too cold out, despite being the month of Christmas. I go into the kitchen and start making some hot cocoa with marshmellows. I really need it.

Gaster's POV:

I sigh after opening the door. I end up hearing a loud, "Sans!" coming from the kitchen. Obviously, Papyrus. "Hello, Gaster," says Frisk while I hang up my winter gear. "Ahh, hello, Frisk. How have you been?"

"I've been fine, thank you. Anyway, I better go help mom (Toriel) and Chara with lunch." (Chara isn't evil in my story, and Chara, Frisk, and Asriel are teens) "'Sup, Gaster," says Sans.

"Hello, Sans."

"Just got back, eh?"

"Yes, I did. Now where is Asgore? I need to speak with him."

"He's with Mettaton in the living room watching TV."

"Thank you. I will go now."

"'K, Gaster." I walk into the living room to find exactly as Sans said. "Asgore? I thought you had work today." Asgore looks at me with a friendly face.

"I did have work today, Gaster. I was allowed out early, seemingly as there wasn't much to do today."

Asgore does gardening work, that includes mowing lawns as well. I, myself, have a job as a scientist with Alphys at a lab. Toriel is a teacher who runs a bake-sale with Muffet from time to time. Muffet lives in a seperate house from us. Papyrus is a chef-in-training. Undyne is a personal fitness trainer that's hardcore at times. Mettaton is a superstar that many humans love actually. Sans is curently looking for a job at the moment, and Frisk, Chara, and Asriel are high school students in their freshmen year. I sit next to Mettaton, sigh in relief and relax for the rest of the day.

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