Chapter 45

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So sorry I'm late with uploading this chapter! My internet went down, and I got it back today! Yay!

(N/m)'s POV:

"Why the **** did I run? What is wrong with me?!" I yelled at myself in the night sky. Tears were still pouring down my face after I had ran out of the house. I sat down on a cloud because I could and continued to cry.

Gaster's POV:

Where could (N/m) be? We looked almost everywhere in the city and we still haven't found her. Retribution was flying in the sky, so hopefully he would find her. At least he knew why (N/m) ran out of the house with her wings around her. It had hurt me to see her cry.

(N/m)'s POV:

I heard wings flapping near me, so I looked up. I saw a figure and glowing golden wings. It was Retribution. "(N/m)! There you are. Everyone's been so worried about you," he says. He notices the tears on my face and hugs me.

"What is wrong with me, Retribution?"

"There's nothing wrong with you crying. You haven't gotten so worked up about something like this in a long time."

"But I can't do anything about it."

"Neither can the others. The only thing we can do is to search and hope that we find them."

"You're right, but what will the others say when I get back?"

"They'll just be very glad that you're back."

"...Can we stay here for a few more minutes?"

"Of course."

Gaster's POV:

Retribution returned with (N/m) in his arms. She had fallen asleep. Myself and the others were so relieved. I took her into my arms and went to her room. I put her into her bed and was about to leave her room when she woke up. "Gaster?" she asks.

"You're awake."

"Yeah. ...Sorry."

"What for?"

"For running off be-"

"Retribution told us why. Don't worry, none of us are mad at you. We understand." She smiles.

"Thank you. Can you stay with me?" I smile back at her.

"Sure." I sit down on the edge of her bed. Her behavior was like that of a child's want to have their parents stay with them before they fell asleep. She looked even cuter in that regard.

"...Do you want to hear a story?"

"What type of story?"

"Just any story of your choosing."

"Then I choose the one of your family." (N/m) chuckles.

"Where do I begin?"

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