Chapter 29

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Gaster's POV:

Sans had just teleported inside, really happy might I add. "What's got you in a good mood?" I ask.

"(N/m), did something amazing at Grillby's!" Oh?

"What did she do?"

"You remember how Helen came into Grillby's, and she made her run away?"


"This time, Helen brought two other women. Their names were Linda and Gloria. Helen told (N/m) to fight her, and she did, but she also included Linda and Gloria in the fight as well."

Sans continues telling the story as the others gather around. (N/m) walks in just as Sans finishes. Everyone congratulates (N/m), and she gets confused. "Why is everyone congratulating me?" she asks.

"You taught Helen, Linda, and Gloria a lesson back at Grillby's," Toriel says. "Hopefully, they won't be bothering anyone at this point."

"That reminds me." (N/m) summons a magic screen. "I put a magic tracker on each of them during the fight, so I'll know where they are and what they're doing." She checks the screen. "Fortunately, they're not bothering a monster right now."

"Is that a perk of being a goddess?" Frisk asks.

"One of the many, child. One of the many."

"Question, how old are you?" Mettaton asks.

"I'm so old, the concept of age no longer matters to me. ...Over 2 billion." XD (laughing my butt off)

"What?!" everyone exclaims.

"But, you look so young," Nabstablook replies.

"That's immortality for you."

"Can I get immortality?" Asriel asks.


"Why not?" Asriel uses the puppy dog eyes.

"Because I have absolute no reason to. Also, I can't give immortality. It's not my job." It's not very effective. (Pokémon! Gotta Ketchum all!)

"Can you make it your job?" This child is so persistent!


"Why not?"

"Because I can't."

"Why not?" I swear this child might be the bane of my existence.

"I don't wish to give anyone immortality, nor can I. That will be all from you, Asriel before you get on my nerves."

I am so sorry this didn't get released last week! I was celebrating my birthday! (Please don't message me saying happy birthday. That passed already, and I'm not telling anyone my birthday.) By the time someone's reading this, I'm either making this week's chapter or it's already published."

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